A collection of links.
TORTALL AND OTHER LANDS: Collection of Tales. New Tamora Pierce book! A collection, but still new stories. I am looking forward to Mastiff which is the third and Beka Cooper book but not out until next year (mid-next year?) so this in the interim will be nice.
Normally I find an author and devour all their books if I enjoy the style/character/plot. I haven't found a new set for a while so I keep heading back to my favourites and Tamora Pierce is perfect. She was the one who got me into sci-fi/fantasy and into reading more than just Baby-Sitters Club and the like. Considering jumping back into Ian Irvine but the world building is intense in those that I'm not certain I have the focus at the moment (Actually, I wonder when The Fate of the Children will be published).
Although next week I'm on a training course and might have extra time? In between the full week of the course, the doing my normal role after hours and the commute.
fun. have signed to FBR If this results in Panic! at the Disco/fun. tours I guarantee I won't be able to contain my joy. :DDDD
Prop 8 has been ruled unconstitutional. I know the decision will be appealed but for now I am happy for California. Australia needs to get onto this bandwagon already.
The next free movie my work is doing is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. One of my grad friends has only read one of the books and seen two of the films and didn't particularly care, while the other found the fact I'm going to a midnight screening and dressing up to go to said screening completely normal.
Actually, I might get onto rereading Harry Potter like I said I would a few weeks back.
SPENCER FUCKING SMITH THROUGH THE FLOOR. Brendon too, as always. Zack is good to us.