Crack Drabble

May 11, 2006 17:26

I think my muse might be slowly returning? *pleads and prays and hopes and offers chocolate and sexual favours to her* I think my main problem is that all my current WiP's and bunnies are things for people and now my brain is twitching about responsiblity and obligation and GAH! *hates brain* That said, I will get them done. I'm trying, lovelies. *is determined*

So, anyway, I just wrote comment fic for sopdetly in response to that meme floating around and here it is.

Title: "Odd Coupling"
Author: pre_raphaelite1
Pairing: Remus/Jane Christie ("Coupling")
Rating: PG
Warnings: Shameless Crack Crossover (OMG I think it's my first crossover?)

"I'm too old and too dangerous for you"

"Well that's alright. I like a grey bloke with a wild side. I once dated a vicar with a motorcyle. Bit drab in sermons until the morning I hide behind the pulpit. He broke up with me that day. I really don't think he liked my new haircut."

Remus blinked at her. She had to be joking, yet her face was the picture of earnest confusion. "Right. But I'm also gay. I like blokes."

She grinned. "That's fantastic! I like blokes too! We already have so much in common. So, what do you say about dinner tomorrow night. You can pick me up at 7."

He tried again. "No. I don't date women."

"But I do. So you can set me up with someone if you find someone we like."

This had to be some horrible nightmare or a hex gone wrong. "I'm also a werewolf." He dragged out the last word, giving it all the ominous tones of Muggle movies and anti-werewolf propaganda.

"Kinky. I've never had sex with a werewolf before. There was one girl but I think she was just going for the 'au natural' look. Someone should tell her that leg hair is so 1970s."

Remus dropped his head into his hands with a groan. He had to think of something. And quickly before he was forced to throttle her and her bubbly personality... He sighed then pulled his wand out of his pocket and gave a deft flick of it under the table. There was a soft tingle around his scalp and his hair shifted forward then dropped onto his drink, leaving the top of his bald and annoyingly cold.

The blackhaired girl shrieked and rose from the table, staring in horror at the hair. "A Toupee! That's... That's just horrible!"
And with that she's stalked away.

He waved a cheery goodbye to the quickly retreating figure. "Goodbye Jane. Good luck with that vicar."

Remus picked up the hair and plopped it back on his hair, performing the counterspell that left it securred once more to his head. And rising from his seat, he silently thanked James for inventing that Temporary Toupee Charm, despite the hell he had given James for causing Sirius to go into shock when he first used it.

But, some days he really loved magic.

Feedback is adored. Feedback feeds the muse?

crack, my fics, crossover

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