another early morning...

Jan 12, 2006 07:26

here i am...bright and shining, or maybe dark and dull...

i woke up this morning at 6 a.m. and felt sooo nautious...ick. luckily, i composed myself, took some deep breaths and was able to fall back asleep. when i woke up, i didn't feel nautious anymore..yay! it was okay for awhile, and now my belly hurts...maybe it was last nights sushi, or maybe its my nerves.

I've had alot of stress to deal with lately and i must admit im taking it all pretty well. Between my roomie telling me that she is moving out at the end of the lease (March 31) and panicking inside about finding a roomate (who is clean and responsible with bills) in time, my job situation in driving back and forth to Bradenton for a job that i dont even know is mine for the taking (and the money), having to deal with my "in heat" kitty meowing and barking cause she's so horny all week, and then taking her to the vet this morning, meowing the entire ride while im trying to listen to MJ in the morning, and back to my roomate who for the past four months have left the bills out for me to see before i leave her a check and all of a sudden this month, she will "have to find them, or just show me the receipts", when she said she didn't need the money until the 15th, then later said by last night (which with all the stress i forgot about), which this morning turned into a nasty text message saying "so i guess you will leave the check for me TONIGHT to pay tomorrow because the 15th is a holiday"....ummm grrr tomorrow not FRIDAY...why is it a big deal to pay tomorrow, i have the money its no problem for me, i just wanted to see the bill like i have everytime for the last 4 months. (for christ sakes im a geek and i itemize them in my check book to see how much they fluctuate...) Rawr! but this isnt even half as bad as the leftover new years puke that is still on the side of the toilet that i refuse to clean because i cleaned the ENTIRE house after the party just because dirt is the enemy (the house mind you was beer bottle covered and filthy from a party that i didnt even attend at my own house) later to tell her all that was left was sweeping and mopping the floor and the icky puke. well, guess who ended up cleaning the floor...yep, me! (you think me buying a new mop and writing her a nice note would give her a hint) and now im refusing to clean beside the toilet no matter how much it kills me to let it sit there. I mean, no big deal right...its only been TWO FUCKING WEEKS. ::slowly gaining composure:: wow, it feels good to let things out sometimes. see, i told you i was doing well! :-)

afterall, pain and anger are necessary, they remind us we are still alive...

::deep breath:: aaannnnddd back to the happy place....

only one day short of three weeks until my birthday...yay! which means three weeks closer to NY!..and my car should be home soon (hopefully by the end of next week)...yayx2! or as i would usually say... "high five" haha.

ooo, ooo, ooo, perhaps i should go shopping tonight, buying things has always been quite theraputic for me...or maybe jessica needs to bring over the finger paint.

**first patient arrives**

I wanted to be the breath of fresh air,
When everything smelled so insincere.

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