I want to say sorry to all my fellow homo's. i broke down today and ate chic-fil-a. i know, i know,, bad amanda. Ever since they publicly came out and openly spoke of their "dissaproval" of the homosexual lifestyle, i have NOT eaten there. and then today..., ugh...i broke. I got my hair cut and colored with black (whoo hoo, it looks great by the way) and there the house of chicken and great sweet tea stood, calling my name. The more I thought about their "morals" the more I wanted to puke and the worse the food tasted. I didn't finish it....LOL ::ode to Jinks and Erin:: screw their Jesus nuggets, holy sweet tea and pentacostal polynesian sauce.... :-)
in other news..., my work day is almost over. yay! i am leaving early in an effort to prepare myself for a night of METRIC. yes, Metric. (yeehaw) They are playing at the Orpheum and I'm going to see them. Kela would be so proud. awww, i should call her.
bla, bla, bla ::enter more talking to self:: I've realized that i dont necessarily have anything interesting to say today...haha, oh well. Im bored and this is taking up time.
OH! I am entering some photos of mine into this art show in December. Im kinda excited, even though Im having a hard time picking which photos to submit. I must finish the rest of the roll in my camera and see how the Ft. Desoto one's turned out. and take some more somewhere, sometime.... ;-) ;-)
Forgetting all i'm lacking
Completely and complete
I'll take your invitation
You take all of me
I'm living for the only thing i know
I'm running and not quite sure where to go
I don't know what i'm diving into
Just hanging by a ::hopeful:: moment here with you
desperate for changing
starving for truth.....