Sep 15, 2004 12:35
I went to the Wellness Center yesterday to check out my eye. I dont think its pink eye because it doesnt hurt or burn. It burns on the ends and I want to rub it so bad but I cant because I dont want to spread it everywhere. I should probably avoid "eye contact" with everyone (aha ha, Im so funny I've been waiting to say that since I got pink eye) I have some medicine to put in my eyes. For a little bottle it cost me $10! Sheesh, for a person who doesnt work I sure do have a lot of expenses. Im thinking Im going to tell Arcana-Siddhi that these therapy sessions arent really working out. I mean, she is telling me things I already thought about and know. I dont have issues with my boyfriend, Im having issues with my family and the only answer that I know for sure will work is to let everything go and chant the Holy Name. Whatever happens, happens, I cant do anything now.
My books still havent come yet. If they dont come today Im going to cry. No. I wont cry, I will be extremely angry. And in that anger I will cry. Anyway, I cant say anything about that now, the mail will come either from 2-3 or from 3-4, Im not sure. We'll see what is planned for me.
Its raining and its cold outside. I didnt think it would rain today so I didnt bring a jacket, thank Krishna Im wearing a 3/4 sleeved shirt. Classes started at 8:00 and I just finished at 12:15. Long, long day and it isnt over yet. I still have to pick up my Chemistry exam. I think it will be okay since it is a take home. My socks are all wet. Today in our statistics Lab, our Lab TA was 30 minutes late. He claimed that his alarm didnt go off. Neither did mine but I managed to get there on time.
I still have to confirm if my flyers are okay with the administration and I was thinking of putting an advertisement in the newspaper. I dont know what I am going to do if no one comes. I'll probably be really sad and sit through my own session and talk to myself about the importance of the Bhagavad-Gita.
Everyone in my Micro Lab is married or getting married. Today they talked about wedding dates and fitting their dresses. I nearly cried.