Aug 23, 2005 16:05
Ah yes, college. No I have yet to be wasted. No I havent gone partying. No I havent streaked the lawn. Nevertheless its awesome. Nights out on the lawn watching people suddenly streak at the Rotunda, walking around the corner with lemonade and asking people for directions when things are rite around the corner is funny. So is playing poker and betting with magazines from the magazine pile in tuttle lounge. Food is eating healthy. Basketball courts are a masterpiece, except instead of 15 black guys and one white guy in vienna, here its the opposite.
Classes start tomorrow and i am so filled with adrenaline. Awesome professors and awesome classes in an awesome campus. The beautiful scenery is so captivating and especially at night you never feel like sleeping because walks are so cool and romantic. Of course in the afternoons the heat kills u and makes ur head throb. I never thought id be having such a fun time....uva initially appeared so intimidating and now i walk the whole central campus without effort. Heres some advice...when u come to uva...dont take the fucking tour. Or take it, then walk urself or ask a friend to take u...its much better because tours basically focus on two things, Jefferson and architectural history. They are a bunch of boneheads who will not tell u the cool stuff that u will actually find at the university which the students learn to enjoy. Small things like the river, whispering wall, the lake, the streak path, the aquatic fitness center, all these are such integral parts of student life.
As for me im having so much fun with this newfound autonomy...i hesitate to say independence because of the attached financial strings. Once classes start the official period of getting to know people shall begin....activities fair today was awesome...signed up for model un and the chair already knew who i was thanks to mr.b, she offered me a spot on vaimun to help out. Wow what powers that man has....also joined the Intl student org, Poker club (score!), Cav Daily and the debate team. Im so psyched for schoooolllll.
Having said that i do miss sooo many people from high school sooooo much. But thanks to the wonders of mobile phone and computer technology i guess its sort of better than nothing....