Is it possible.........

Aug 03, 2005 07:33

to be grateful and dissapointed?? I've worked for 9 years, through one security service or another, at the current company I'm at. Though my paychecks have come from different guard services, the benefits have been non existant or have sucked, I've been content. I finally decide through some events that have ocurred that it would be a good idea to have some kind of benefits or retirent. So, I speak to my "other" boss, the client contact for this company about the chances of being hired on. In the last 2 weeks,he informed me that the "company" was dragging their feet on making a decision, not a good sign. Yesterday, I find out from my true boss, from the security company, that my "other" boss infromed him that he doesn't belived that the company will take me on, ever. Evidently, they're just not interested in having to hire another Corporate Security Manager.

Mind you, I've been at this "Company," where we've provided security through one security vendor or another for 9 years. In the last year, I've been doing the job of the Corporate Security Manager. managing the budget, handling the security force, working on security improvements and relations between other departments, etc. But, I'm not good enough or valued enough to the "company" as a whole to bring on as THIER associate. I get paid $14.25 and hour for my job, which is a nice chunk of change. One of the associates in our department that came from the floor, they the department has on loan makes over $2's an hour more than me. Without them hiring the two positions that use to exist, manager and a supervisor, I'm saving the "company" about $100,000 dollars in salaries. This is my major dissapointment. I'm not stupid, I know why they aren't hiring me, and I was a little sure that this might happen, but it's still a kick in the teeth.
The grateful part, my "other" boss from the "company" I was hoping would hire me has worked with my real boss to get me salared through my company. I'll get a 80/20 medical plan, I'll stay at about what I make now with what I cleared last year with overtime and and normal pay. There is no disability, and if I'm correct no retirement, but I will be salaried and I will have medical. This is where I'm grateful. I'm glad that my "other" boss values me enough to want to keep me from leaving and doing things that would help. Bottom line is, I don't think I'm going to stay. I will for awhile, while I see if I can get something else, but long term, I think I'm done. So, there in lies the question, can you be grateful, but disappointed at the same time?
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