Jul 27, 2005 00:00

Okay, here I am, having a lovely chat with petrya on MSN when the power goes out. Well, by the time I got signed back in, she was off line. LOL! Mind you, there is a Severe Thunder Storm warning in effect and I just got a page about a Tornado Warning. So, I watch the out the window as torrential rains pelt the window. Wind and rain die down, and I decide I should go get those few items at the grocery store. I grab my FM and decide I better cruise by work and make sure things are okay.

Me: Hey, it's me, I'm just calling to see if everythings okay.......
Team member: Do you have your FM on? Have you heard all the traffic....
Me: No, but I have it with me and I'm on my way in. I'll turn it on.....
FM traffic........We have trailers laying on their side out at the South Plant
FM traffic......We have some damage over at LAE, minor, not bad....and a snaped pole with downed wire at Plant 7
Me: I'm almost to the North Plant.....I'll head South first.

So, you can see what I was going to be doing the next couple of hours....LOL. Turns out we had 15 trailers tipped on their sides, some over head doors ripped off, and siding almost completely tore off one small building. LOL
Then, while I'm in the lots looking for other damage, my sister calls. She proceeds to tell me that a tornado has completely destroyed two of the new buildings that were not finished right across from her apartments, and a roof on one of the older apartments was ripped off. I drove by after work, all I can say was, thank God no one was hurt. Then I hear that the little town of Dayton, the one I drove through to go see my parents, was hit harder than last time with a tornado and they aren't allowing any traffic into or out. WOW! What a night! Now, I'm off to bed! Now, if I could just get Semagic to print the actual font I'm writing this stuff in! :P
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