The New Supreme Court Judge

Jul 22, 2005 17:15

So Bush just elected a new Supreme Court Judge. And like Allee said, this bothers me qutie a bit. But before we get into that...a picture.

This stuff is true. No photoshop - the kid was dancing as his Dad got intoduced by Bush. And is it jsut me or does the wife seems to be very submissive. I really hope this guy isn't one of those motherfuckers who thinks women should be put in their place with a couple of slaps to the face.

Anyway about the judge - well I think its absolutely wonderful that the most powerful man in the world just appointed a rookie judge with all of THREE years experience to the most powerful court in the world. Yay, for experience and aged wisdom. During the 3 years he was judge, Mr. Roberts ruled that the Geneva Convetion need not apply to those prisoners of war that the U.S. has and wrote in favor of Operation Rescue a Anti-Abortion organization that tends towards violence (oh NOES!!!11ONE - a violent Christian group? I thought it was just them Damn Islams that were religiously radical). As a lawyer he won a case preventing certain doctors from even discussing (DISCUSSING!!!!) abortion. He apparently thinks there is nothing wrong with corporatations violation of enviormental rights. He does not support the seperation of church and state. He voted against a 12 year old homeless girl's complaint when she was taken to the polie station, handcuffed and fingerprinted because she ate a single french fry in a Metro Station in D.C. - which was against the law. This is the man they want as the deciding vote for the Supreme Court? As Noam Chomsky said - "We humans are very adept at leading the march on towards extinction".

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