It's official: there will be a two-part Deathly Hallows movie with David Yates directing. I say, YAY! The more Potter, the better:-) And since OoTP was my favourite Potter film so far, I'm happy to see Yates onboard. Yeah, he made cuts, but any director would have had to make cuts, as I don't think the length is solely the decision of the director -I believe the producer has quite a bit of say in that as well.
Anyway, my only worry now is where they decide to cut the film...I have an ominous feeling they will cut it where Ron leaves, and so we'll see Ron hate explode even among those fans who have actually read the book (because it's easy to get swept away in negative hype). Poor Ron gets so much hate already from pretty much all other Hermione shippers than the R/Hr ones that he really doesn't deserve any more. His only crime has ever been being a normal teenage boy with a temper. Sometimes it boggles me olde minde how negative feelings sort of clump together and expand in the fandom, so that finally a basically normal and innocent character is seen pretty much as the spawn of Satan (*coughGinnycough*).
In any case, I'm happy that Cuarón is out of the game. I love PoA visually, but I can't watch it without cringing at the atrocious characterisations of Ron and Hermione. Gone is the witty and strong Ron of the books and the Hermione who has faults and weaknesses (whimper in front of Sirius much?), and in is this strange wimpy redheaded kid, at whose stupidity PinkSuper!Hermione and her bestest best bud Clueless!Harry merrily laugh at in the end.
Changing the subject...I'm loving the images from The Tudors season 2
over here! Especially little Elizabeth looks cute, although one must wonder where the hair colour comes from when her screen Dad is dark and her screen Mum is dark...;-)
Oh, and I found this amazing podcast,
Tudorcast. Very nice stuff for those interested in Tudor history!
And finally...I will get chapter 12 of Moments of Love out soon! I've written it, but I haven't had the time to do the editing yet. It's basically that Wizard of the Month article of Ron...written by the fabulous Rita Skeeter;-)