Apr 19, 2008 15:04
[Voice Post]
Is this thing working?
Shit! I’ll have to fix that.
This is Uncle Tom to ground control! I seem to have found myself in some creepy ass kid’s playground. And it’s definitely seen better days.
*The swings chains can be heard groaning under his weight*
Urgh, Kids are expected to play on this thing?
*creaking metal of the roundabout can be heard in the background*
What the bloody hell was that?!!!
Ah wait! What? This sucks!..shadows Matt, it’s only shadows.
*more static*
Oh man! Where the hell is this?
Please…please let this be one of those freaky ‘late night should have gone to bed hours ago’ day dreams. I promise to stop the gaming and to get some work done. Cross my heart and hope to die …do something other than that.
Seriously if I see a dude with a bathtub on his head dragging a huge ass sword I’m officially crapping myself.
I’m not the only one here right? Please tell me I’m not alone? Come out come out wherever you are? Or maybe not