Icon Meme

Nov 17, 2008 16:27

Reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons.
Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

In short, I've maxed out my free account. Eventually, I may branch out beyond these six. Each icon has multiple uses, based mostly on context. There are certainly pieces of the spectrum of human experience missing here, but for now, these will do.

This is a tight crop of a photo taken by nothingoth, many years ago in our hotel room at Convergence 7! Ask him nicely, and he might show you the original shot. Its my default icon since it shows my face; but its showing its age so I'm overdue for a new head-shot. Mostly thanks to the tophat, this gets used to display capability, class, honesty, humor, integrity, and normality.

One afternoon, I wondered if my flatbed scanner could be used to take a portrait. I tweaked the color balance image to make it appear as though I'm DOA, since this is about as close to a death mask as you can get in under 30 seconds. This is used to signify disgust, horror and failure.

I look to Doctor Emmet Brown as a more tangible, lovable, hollywood version of Werner Von Braun; which I think was deliberate on behalf of Back to the Future's writers. I positively adore this character, and happen to relate to him more than McFly - the third film pretty much sealed the deal on that one. I use this icon to compliment posts featuring intellect, science, movies, mathematics, time travel, and unbridled creativity.

Pipboy is the overly-cheerful "mascot" of VaultTec, no matter what the circumstances - which is good since the world is a fucking irradiated, mutant-infested, nightmare, full of NPCs with the collective IQ of a walnut. This icon gives a +1 to posts that feature sarcasm, irony, video games, and role playing

I actually dedicated a post to this icon when I added it. In short, Dirk represents All things quixotic, nostalgia, 1980's, classic video games, futility, epic failure, chivalry and heroism.

Who doesn't want to be loved? Who doesn't want to rule the world? Dr. Horrible teaches us that you can, and should, struggle to have both and keep that big promotion in sight while you're at it. Provided nobody's throwing a car at my head, this icon is used for evil, hopeless romance, redhead lust, great costuming, and musicals.

tuath13: What exactly do you plan on doing with those, anyway? Should I be afraid?
Well, Doc Brown likes to use these clamps on experiments that require his custom-made power-supply, since 120VAC doesn't cut it for flux-capacitor bench tests. He wouldn't put them anywhere naughty. Now Dr. Horrible on the other hand...

tuath13: Was pipboy2000 drawn for you or was it a gank?
Ganked I'm afraid. I credited the artist in the comments for the icon if you look at my userpics listing. I'm saddened that the text does not appear in alt="" attribute for the image itself; I think this is great work, and on par with what the wizards at Black Isle and Bethesda have done. That said, I'll take it down if things ever get ugly.
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