Marina Sirtis, flying, and being sure.

May 26, 2013 12:31

      Okay, now I’m pretty sure about my dreams.  I had a conversation with Anne on Yahoo Messenger (which she calls YIM) last night and one of the things we talked about was my dreams.  She says everyone has dreams and that they are interpretations of our daily lives and help us deal with problems.  My dreams are really weird and I was wondering just what my dreams could possibly be trying to tell me.  Last night pretty well proved her wrong, at least in my opinion.  Not about dreams in general, just about mine at the moment.  I’ll elaborate.

A couple of days ago I was talking to Bob on Facebook and he mentioned someone just started working at the place he works who looks just like Marina Sirtis from Star Trek: The Next Generation.  Last night I had a dream with Marina Sirtis in it.  I’ve never dreamed about her before, never really thought about her except in a Star Trek context.  Now here she is.  It wasn’t any kind of sex dream or me wanting her for a girlfriend kind of dream.  I was trying to help someone.  We were in a building, some kind of hospital type building, and this person needed some kind of help.  Have no idea what.  It was lunch time and everyone was going to get lunch.  I was trying to as well.  I was wanting to fly to do it.  I had a shirt that would allow me to do so.  Not a suit and cape this time.  Just a regular shirt.  I wasn’t able to however for some reason.  At one point Marina Sirtis was there, as one of the people that worked there who was going to get lunch.  She had no big part in the dream or really dealt with me.  She was just one of the extras in the dream.  I don’t think my dreams are specifically trying to point things out to me or help me in any way.  My medication is just causing me to have dreams that I remember when I wake up that mean nothing.  It’s just forcing dreams on me and picking stuff out of my brain to use that also means nothing.  Bob mentioned Marina Sirtis, so the medication picked that up as she was recently in my thoughts, and used her.  I downloaded Stephen King’s opinion on gun control last week on my Kindle and quite liked what he had to say (  Not long after that, he’s in one of my dreams.  Kat is on my Facebook page and posts frequently.  So she’s in a dream.  I went to the beach with Becky and suddenly she’s in a dream.  I’ve no idea where Val Kilmer came from.  I’ve been thinking a lot about him since the dream, but don’t recall seeing or thinking about him recently beforehand.  Now, however, I’ve been seeing him in my mind, saying “I’m your huckleberry” quite often.  Weird.  The flying bit may be my mind trying to tell me something, as it’s been in quite a number of dreams, but the dreams themselves, and the rest of what’s in them, are just a side effect of the medication.  I can’t say about the oversleeping.  But the dreams I am very sure are just a side effect of the medication.

Tonight I’m going with Mur to see Iron Man 3.  We’ll see if Mur or Iron Man appears in my dream tonight or tomorrow night.
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