Doctor Who!

Nov 26, 2013 12:26

Alright! So I figured I should jot down my thoughts before reading everyone’s. But really, I have to admit I’m still in a haze of 50th anniversary general glee 8D

So, I really liked it. But as I said, I’m still so “eeee” about it, that I haven’t really thought critically about it yet.

Honestly, I did not expect to like it so much. Not because of being a curmudgeonly fan, but because I’ve fallen away from Who a bit. I still very much enjoy it, but the fandom makes me so sad (can we disagree civilly please? Just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean it’s garbage), I’ve just wandered away to enjoy it by myself and not talk about it.

So I saw it last night in theatres (I did catch it Saturday as well) and it was SO LOVELY to be there surrounded by fans all cheering and loving and happy. And I’d really missed that.

Anyway, so I’ve avoided reading ANYTHING about it (which wasn’t that hard, since, as I said, sort of avoiding the fandom in general), so everything was a lovely surprise except I knew about the Trafalgar Square scene, that Tennant would be back, and that Piper would be back.

The second it started with the original beginning this crazy sappy grin just spread over my face and it hardly left the whole time 8D


I am not a Ten fan, and I’d probably have loved it a whole lot more if they’d used anyone but him, but I didn’t even mind him too much since I was in my Who happy place 8D.

Plot! I really really liked undoing the destruction of Gallifrey. I mean, I liked the war, the war was a good plot device and I did really enjoy what it did to The Doctor and how it changed his personality. But I loved that he finally took responsibility for it, accepted it, knew he had no other choice at that time and now had a better idea. I liked that whole arc so much. And I like the opportunities having Gallifrey not gone gives back to us.

Things I didn’t like is a much shorter list than things I did, so I’ll just do that:

- “I don’t want to go” I just rolled my eyes and mentally was going “Really Ten? Just get over yourself and leave already”
- The ending, when Smith exits the TARDIS? Couldn’t they have gotten better wigs for their standins? The wigs were SO BAD it was jarring. Which is really really sad, because even though that scene makes no sense, I LOVED IT. And I know good wigs could have fit in that budget. I mean come on, the colours weren’t even right!

Actually that’s pretty much it. Those were the worst things that stood out to me 8D

doctor who

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