Alice's Summerthing

Aug 10, 2013 09:37

So June 23rd was Alice’s Summerthing, a free concert at Golden Gate Park put on by a local radio station, Alice.

Guests were:
Finish Ticket
Ginny Blackmore
Sara Barielles
Ed Sheeran

I had no idea who the first two were, and really only cared about Barielles. It was a bit of a miserable day for an outdoor concert! Not really raining, but that whole SF thing where you’re pretty much in a cloud and damp to your bones.

My sister and I BARTed into SF, then basically just followed people. Finish Ticket started while we were still in line outside (which... is saying something, as they started at least an hour late), and they weren’t bad.

The line was super weird because once we were inside it was all fanned out and we put our towels down and had a decent spot. We could have easily elbowed our way to the very front if we’d wanted, not sure if that says more about the crowd or us though.

We ate our picnic lunch and read through Ginny Blackmore, pleasant voice but really boring songs and nothing memorable about her, sadly. With better songwriting she could be quite good.

Then Sara :D

So happy :D I’ve wanted to see her for awhile, but nobody local likes her and it’s a bit boring to go to a concert by yourself. Actually I meant to go to her’s by myself when she was last in town, but I’m terrible about ticket buying and missed it.

How cute is she, really?

Playing through the raaaaain

She’s so into it.

image Click to view

Didn’t take that, but yeah :D I did take a vid, but I didn’t bother to upload it.

Theeeeen, we almost left. I only know the two Ed Sheeran songs on the radio, and they’re not bad, but I’m not like “OMG EEEED” like... everyone there seemed to be. AND he was flying in from Canada and due to the weather in SF was having delays. He hadn’t even landed when it was time for him to go on. I think we waited an hour? Which is on top of the hour delay for the whole show to start (which was also due to him).

And then when he came out he explained that he’d just hopped in the car right from the airport and hadn’t waited for his luggage so all he had was his guitar, which meant yay acoustic! He did the whole thing that way and he was surprisingly, delightfully, very very good. So I’m glad we stayed. Also when he sang really fast his accent would be more pronounced and that was cute.

image Click to view

(Also not my vid)

BART back, shower, and sleep!
Actually, I think I squeezed in some sewing, but still, full day!


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