Fanime 2013

Aug 09, 2013 09:01

Alright! Moving right along. Fanime!
So this year, my friend decided to try Artist’s Alley for the first time. So almost all of my time was there. We were facing a wall and towards the back, so not ideal placement, but she still broke even and made some profit. Not bad for a first time!

The only time I wasn’t there, beyond a stroll through AA and dealer’s room, I did manage to squeeze some cos in! And it was something I’d wanted to do for awhile, so it was nice even if it was only for a short while.

Possibly my favourite pic.

Young Avengers cosplayers

A snazzy Utena (baaaaw I love Utena)

Teen Titans

The cutest family cos ;_;

Legal Drug :D YAY

I made the aprons, so they’d match.

And I borrowed Sumi’s Kamui wig for it

Sumi stepping on is THE BEST 8D

I really like this cos ‘cause, yay easy~

I’m probably going to redo my apron a little for next time, make it narrower so it creates the illusion of large CLAMP seme XD

And that was Fanime.

con report

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