Gallifrey 2013 Report Pt 3

Jun 07, 2013 19:41

Sunday! Last day!

I started this day out spectacularly... by being late to my panel. I was a good... 10 minutes late. And I wasn’t sure if I should come sit down and it was all very embarrassing. And because I was running late, I didn’t spray my blonde bits black, and forgot to check my sarcasm when engaged by people in the elevators...

Anyway, so it was a crossplay panel, and fellow people were Valerie, the awesome Three from the masq the previous night, someone whose name I don’t know that is often Ianto, and... oh dear. Somebody else. Possibly even two somebody elses. This is what happens when you write reports three and a half months after they happen. But I was sat between those two.

It was actually a very interesting panel! With a loooot of audience interaction. There was a fabulous Jack with a cute Ten in the audience who had many good things to say (especially on binding as honestly, I don’t really need to usually). Only I felt we were supposed to cover too many things, we were supposed to talk about female interpretations of a male costume, or vice versa (which... isn’t crossplay, at all) as well. ‘Cause there’s just soooo much to talk about in crossplay alone (and we were fortunate there wasn’t a lot of interest in m2f, because there’s loads to talk about there too). Anyway, lot’s of good stuff, I surprised myself by talking a lot, well, a lot for me. It was a nice balance of panelists too, I felt we all had different things to say (though I would have looooved to talk about makeup and facial hair [my favourite 8D] if someone had asked).

Ahaha and
aralias was in the audience, so when I felt awkward I just pretended I was bombarding her with knowledge she didn’t really want to know and all was well. But augh I can’t help it, I can get very passionate about “Let me help you! Gender means nothing!”

Also... I owe some people an e-mail D: If you’re reading, I didn’t forgot, not reeeeally. I just haven’t done it yet >.>

Somehow that reminds me that on Friday I sat in half of a very awkward Star Trek panel. (And speaking of Star Trek, not Gally related, but I’m having a lot of nostalgia right now like whoa).

Anyhow, Katy went to A Panel, and I... I think this is when I met up w/
1ucifer and she obliged me with some pics in the outdoor area. Augh there is SO MUCH wrong w/ my outfit, the making of this thing was sort of a nightmare. I really really want to remake it. Actually I talked a bit about that in my panel, as Ainley was quite slim in his velvet number, but by this time he was rather barrel-y. And I’m so not, so trying to get his silhouette was very very annoying. Also some personal stuff happened right before Gally, so.

Then I’m pretty sure I hit the Fraizer Hines interview at 2:30 (does that make a Hines thing a day? I think it does!), and then popped back to the room to put my civvies on.

Oh oh!

Before I changed.

I went to see the EVERY LOVELY Daphne Ashbrook (also, I couldn’t remember if there was an “e” at the end of her name and just looked her up and NO WAY is that woman that age, she looks like 20 years younger). Anyway, I’d taken a pic with her the year before as TVM Master, and wanted her to sign it. Also I was super happy to be giving her money, which sounds weird, but I’m often with John as he talks to her and she’s always so so nice and I never buy anything and I feel bad.

Then she loved my teeth and my eyes, and Lyn took another pic of us.

I just, this lady. She’s so cute.


How did I forget!

ALSO before I changed, I had my photo with McCoy! Which was very nice but a bit not what I wanted ;_; I wanted to ask him to do a pic like that one promo, where the Master is leaning on him a bit and he has this terribly disgusted face (I love his expressive face btw, I can’t make even a fraction of that expressiveness). But #1, while we were waiting in line one of the daleks that was there very nicely asked if us people waiting would like a dalek in the pic. I thought the offer was sweet, but I didn’t want it, and neither did the people around me. So I thought it’d just be there and they’d roll it into frame for those who wanted. Well, I guess they thought it would be too time consuming, so we aaaall got the dalek (it’s a very well made dalek! I just didn’t want it 8D). Anyway, the people right before me were wearing hats, and they did a hat trade with McCoy, which was very cute, but time consuming, so the froggy people rushed me a bit sadly. I mean, I’m very happy for the picture! I was just really wanting that picture.


I apparently didn’t scan that photo, so here’s another one of my ugly mug taken by Lyn:

Theeeen I changed somewhere in there. I changed fairly early in the day.

And I went to “Revisiting the Legacy” which was a panel w/ classic people again. Sadly I ran into the Survival Ace then, as I had told her earlier I’d be doing my Survivalness on Sunday (can’t recall her screen name, sorry, but she does a really great Ace so I had been quite excited, but was stupid and didn’t ask for a phone number and all). Felt bad about that :/ But really I was done with beard and fangs (one is good enough, thanks).

Katy says we caught the end of the Mark Sheppard panel, which I now remember but hadn’t a second ago before reading her write up (memory, it’s weird). It seems his would have been an interesting panel, and he seems like a genuinely nice guy who really likes what he does and appreciates fans and fandom quite a lot.

Right so, everyone had really fun stories, and the interaction was so cute (omg Ashbrook and her angst at having killed the Doctor, adorable). And Hines with Watling is just too cute always. I basically really enjoyed it. ALSO, McCoy played the spoons <3 which I think is something everyone (no really, everyone) should experience at least once.

Then we stayed put for the “Year in Review” thing, which is a collection of clips of Who related things in the news or whatnot. It’s pretty interesting to me, because even though Who has gotten very very big here, I forget how EVERYWHERE it can be in the UK. (Though, now I’ve said that, it could very well be fairly prevalent here in the news & talk shows, but I don’t watch those, so wouldn’t know).

Then closing ceremonies! Which make me very sad, because it’s the end, and everyone comes out and says goodbye and what they enjoyed about the con and all I can think is “No, don’t go!”

But one of the things about Gallifrey that’s always struck me, is the guests seem honestly sad to leave as well (but then, most of them are actors, so this could be nothing).

After that Katy & I met up with some of my LA local friends who don’t get that Who is the best thing ever (despite my very frequent insistence) and we had a nice dinner which Katy almost fell asleep in, and I was super tired too, and tried multiple times to be subtle then finally said “Hey I’m really tired! Let’s leave.” Aha, why this sticks in my head while I forget the order of events for the rest of the day, I don’t know.

Monday I went to Disneyland with Lyn & John, and Bonnie, & Molly, and Lyn’s local friend and much fun was had, even though no one got to be the rebel on Star Tours.

This Gallifrey was a weird one for me, because there was SO MUCH STUFF. I wanted to go to a lot of things, and I did! But I saw people less, and costumed less (or was sitting in a panel in costume). Which was actually nice, just weird.

Next year is going to be even more weird, because I’ll be Lyn-less. It will be my first Gallifrey without her! And we’ve roomed together for all but the first one, so that will be totally weird too. I have a room onsite, by myself though. I’ll be putting out feelers closer to the con for a room buddy, all my Usual Suspects aren’t going ;_;

I am really excited for Katy Manning though! I just love her, and totally adored her when she was there last. As such, I want to make a new Jo outfit! But I don’t know which one :/ Any opinions?

And! If all goes well, I’ll be branching out for my first “monster” costume, since now I’ve done all the Masters! (Not including Pratt/Beavers, since, I just don’t want to)

master, gallifrey, con report, doctor who

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