Wondercon 2012!

May 11, 2012 10:15

Taking a brief break from Gallifrey (Sunday's post is being worked on though!), I'll skip ahead a few weeks to March 16-18, Wondercon!

So usually Wondercon is held in San Francisco, local to me, but the convention center which normally hosts it is under construction. So for some reason instead of moving it to another localish area they moved it all the way to Anaheim this year.
This is nearby to Disneyland!

arachnidism and I semi coordinated our flights and met at the airport where we were picked up by
mollypocket on Wednesday night.
Unfortunately... as the plane went over the hills into LA there were low clouds and the lights from the city shining through looked so amazing... and I reached for my camera... to discover I'd left it on my kitchen table.

Well anyway.
Thursday morning we headed out to Disneyland :D Where we met up with
silvernaofficer, had amazing monte cristo sandwiches, randomly ran into some Whovians who had the same idea, and discovered when
arachnidism is a Rebel Spy we return to Tatooine as heroes and when I'm the Rebel Spy we crash land at an Imperial base (Okay I don't actually remember where we crashed, but I know it was bad).

Then Friday morning we all scooted over to the hotel for WonderCon!

After we got settled into the hotel we changed into our outfits of the day, my beloved Sandman!

This pic, btw, was tumblred by Gaiman 8D

Though the original posted called us femmes, which is a huge pet peeve of mine D:

Also I'm always down with rewearing Sandman things.

I feel like we did something this day.... we did do a lot of panels this year, or it felt like it in comparison to previous years. I think maybe the only panel we did on Friday was the Vertigo panel.

An awesome thing was, people actually recognized us! Beyond Dream, we're fairly minor characters so in the past we haven't been (though it doesn't detract from the fun!).

Then Saturday!
Now, I'd told Bon that I really didn't want to make more than one new costume, being that I have some big plans for Fanime. So naturally I end up with two new outfits 8D Saturday's was easy though.


And WOW.
We were recognized like wow. All the kids. All the adults. It was frankly overwhelming. We, as a group, tend to do obscure characters or variations, so we were all a bit "uuuuhm." We were stopped continuously.


Bon's nooooose 8DDD

And check out that makeup job Molly did on me! Perfect!

We went to a few panels, the Battleship one ('Cause Skarsgard was there) and a few others which obviously made an impression on me as I can't recall.

We also switched hotels in the morning. Just across the street.

In the evening we walked to Bucca, since it's now become our traditional con eats. There was a very annoying volley ball team waiting to be seated with us. They all looked completely interchangeable. It hurt my eyes.

But moving along!

We did Young Avengers, Fairytale variant!
I'm super pleased with this dress, 'cause I made it in 10 hours tops 8D It did turn out a tad shorter than I had planned though....

And we went to the Once Upon a Time panel! Which turned out to be just the new episode, and not really a panel at all. But it was cool to see it on the big screen.

And that was WonderCon!

Gallifrey part 3 coming soon.

con report, wondercon

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