Gallifrey Report - Day 2!

Apr 26, 2012 14:38

Alight! Moving right along. Saturday was Shalka day!
If you haven’t seen Scream of the Shalka, you really should. You can watch it streaming on the BBC’s website here:
It’s been awhile since I watched it via that method so I’m not sure if non-UK residents still can, if not I’m sure it’s on youtube. Brilliant writing (Paul Cornell, who wrote episodes Fathers Day and Human Nature) and acting (Derek Jacobi as The Master, Richard E. Grant as The Doctor, and Sophie Okonedo as companion Alison), less than brilliant flash animation but still worth the eye pain.

Pic from my mobile with my radio-sonic flyers.

Without the coat, Shalka!Doctor looks remarkably like a waiter....

I can’t remember the order of events, it’s sad I know. Notable things for this day! Lyn and I were on the Cosplay 210 panel, I was listed as moderator so sat on an end aaaand couldn’t reach the mic and couldn’t project while wearing my Shalka beard so didn’t say anything at all 8D But that’s cool because it didn’t really need moderating. Steve Ricks brought a pretty detailed slide show so basically we just all watched it 8D

Caught Q-chan as Romana and snagged a pic on Lyn’s cam :D

I don’t know who I snagged this picture from (all else are mine or Lyn’s unless otherwise noted) but I find it extremely amusing.

I had put out those afore mentioned flyers on Friday, but since we were in Shalka this day I had a stack in my backpocket for handing out (which went well!)

Shalka Doctor has to consider whether he’d be interested in such a thing...

Then somewhere in there I got in line for the McGann signing.

These lovely ladies had just come in when I got in line.

Go mother-daughter costuming!

Unfortunately Lyn and John had gone on Friday, but I’d misunderstood and so hadn’t bought anything for him/them to sign (I had thought they’d have the TV movie in the dealers room, they didn’t). So I was all by my lonesome. I bought a postcard of one of the TVM promo pics, which was nice, buuuuut I forgot my program, which sucked. And they don’t let you out of the line either. Because it was McGann, Philip Segal (Producer), Yee Jee Tso, and Louis Jameson. I got away with having Segal and Tso sign the postcard as well, but Jameson I felt bad for (not that she wasn’t getting her share of love, but she was last and I felt awkward leaving w/out getting her sig too) so I had her sign this kerropi notepad I keep in my purse (I may have implied it was my autograph notebook...).

While I was off in this long line, Lyn was doing awesomeness!

Like meeting Tony Curran.

Finding cute Roses....

And being pimp with them.

And getting awesome photos by Scott Sebring.

So the line was long.
Really long.
Well, not SDCC long. But Gally long. I think I was in it for 2 hours?
Made some line buddies, and some line enemies (omgggg the people behind me, moan moan moan).
The reason the line was so long, and moved so slowly, is each of the guests talked to eeeeveryone at length. Which was so charming. And you were only supposed to bring one item per guest, but people brought more, and they signed them all. So nice!
Anyway, I wanted to ask McGann something about Idris Elba’s voice... but when it was my turn he said “Oh I’m so sorry, the line was so long you grew a beard!” To which I replied “Yes and as soon as I’m out of here I’m going to shave it off! It’s driving me crazy, rather itchy.”
McGann “Oh I know, they’re a real pain.”
There was more. But this is the problem with writing reports 2 months after the fact, I don’t remember anything anymore. Though, I should since I told enough people...

Everyone was so chatty! Yee Jee was telling me about some of the photos he’d taken, and asking all these questions (about my beard...), as did Segal though I think he just was because Yee Jee was extremely enthusiastic. Then Jameson was chatty chatty as well. These guests you guys, they were all so charming.

After I left that (or maybe before, my memory you know) we went to some gathering or another (possibly the dw_cosplay gathering?), which was really poorly attended, BUT:

BARBARA! Love it.

Chris’s great One and his posse :D

We also returned to Scott and got a pic of the two of us:

Then someone in there Aimeekitty took pics of us :D
The best part is this series of pics was completely unplanned... yet so perfect:

She took more great pics, but I feel so spammy already D:

Lyn grabbed this neat shadowy one

Room relaxing!

And vampiring....

After I took off my beard I felt like some sort of weird bishounen Master XD

Then I threw some civvies on for the rest of the day and somewhere in there we walked down the street for dinner. Always nice to actually eat at con!

When we returned Lyn and I slipped into the masquerade to watch. It felt pretty even this year!
But also pretty short. A lot of the regulars opted out (like us).

Some post masq pics:

All in all a great day!

master, rose, gallifrey, con report, doctor who, shalka

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