Gallifrey Report - Day 1!

Mar 26, 2012 09:35

Finally getting my act together!

This is the most picture heavy day, because we actively took pictures of each other this day 8D

Any pictures I'm in were taken by
1ucifer or
aimeekitty 8D

New costume for me!
Jo Grant of Three era, I loooove her. But I never did her because she's tiny and adorable and I'm not. But I'm glad I did, I had a lot of fun! I need to take in the jumper and modify the shape a bit, to be less bell like.

Ran into this lovely Simm/Yana Master first thing Friday, the first one I've seen beyond myself!
I even brought my Yana gear but decided to just change into civvies.

Someone snapped this of Lyn and I, not sure who's camera I yoinked this off of 8D Thanks!

We went to the cosplay repair room for the Companions meetup and basically saw no one D:
So we took some pics of each other.

Love the look!

Even when broken hearted.

The only other companion who showed up, super cute!

This is my "think cute thoughts!" face 8D;;;

Also, oroof that I had lots of bling, which I don't have later 'cause I forgot it in the room.

The requisite classic companion shot 8D

John and John as Eight and Nine~

A great Ten & Idris we passed :D

radio_sonic's fliers I put out!

Lyn during the... cosplay 101 panel?

Wonderful Brig who was there!

We went to the Doctor's Meetup at the Cosplay room to see if there were any Three's, since i hadn't seen any all day. There weren't, but Lyn had the cutest idea for a bouquet of Roses 8D

Radio Sonic people who were there!
Aren't we cool?

It was then time for the River gathering! For which
iamradar busted this out :D

Toby Haynes happened to be in the lobby (he directed The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon, as well as A Christmas Carol, The Big Bang, and The Pandorica Opens).
He was totally blown away.

And when more Rivers came out he was totally flipping out. It was so much fun to witness!

After that gathering dissipated, Lyn, Aimee, and I took pictures of each other 8D

I like pics of people taking pics....

And I leave you with this awesomeness!

It rocked.

ten, gallifrey, con report, mi is a total dorkhead, jo, nine, doctor who

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