Ah, she must be French

May 18, 2010 07:18

Uuuh, so much for posting more regularly!
Been a bit busy, whoa.

Anyway, miscellany post!

First! I posted a poll in my last entry, so please take notice if you're interested.

In other news, I went to my first renfaire at the beginning of May with two of my favourite people silvernaofficer and mollypocket... and was amused by comparing a pic taken then to one taken with them in October (both trips were amazing you guys, ilu)

And speaking of pictures!
Posted a Doctor Who photo shoot over on dw_cosplay

Aaaand I realized I hadn't posted like... an introduction in about four years. I know there's a lot of new people since then! Ha.
Anyway, just gonna assume an actual introduction isn't needed since you probably know why you chose to add me. So just some housekeeping so to speak.

Since my profile is very short, I assume that if you don't read it you don't want me to add you back. 'Cause I have just one request, let me know if you've added me. Don't, and you won't be added back.

A lot of the stuff I post is public, I lock most in progress stuff (not because it's a secret, but because usually it's taken with terrible face and housey background, which I'd rather not be public).
And for real life things, I have an opt-in life filter (though I reserve the right to not add you to it if I don't really know you), but if you don't care about my health, work issues, navel grazing, it's not for you! And no offense taken.
Speaking of that filter, it's also opt out! I know a lot of you are on it to keep an eye on my health stuff, but since I'm out of immediate danger, if you want off I totally won't be offended.

Does anyone still like Petshop of Horrors? I was thinking of sticking Count D somewhere into Fanime wearings, since I've only worn him once, and that's a crying shame.

PS~~~ silvernaofficer! mollypocket! SO EXCITED FOR SDCC
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