Click boxes! Omake!

May 09, 2010 09:33

So first!
Had an excellent day yesterday! Hanging out with good people and no real set plan = AMAZING.

Here's some Omake from a photoshoot last month, which I haven't edited yet (have I mentioned I'm behind in photo editing? 'Cause I really am)

Heading out!

Utena don't want no fools.

Wait... was this a good idea?

I wanted to be a pretty princess too 8D

You guys!
It's almost summer!
Here's some things I wanna do, I'd love to do it with friends <3

Clicky clicky!

Poll Summer~!

I'll do my level best to coordinate w/ you everything you click <3

Edit! I forgot to mention, if you click anything, please tell me what days work for you.


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