Fanime 08

May 27, 2008 13:08

That was good times, even though I was only at the con a total of 12-13 hours.

Anyway. I didn't really remember to get many pics >.> Per usual.

... it is completely lame how long it took mi to clean that train on the Utena skirt.
And the white slacks, which are behind the skirt, I was scrubbing at this red spot and distressing greatly wondering where it come from... only to find it was a piece of red thread on the inside 8D;;;


Saturday was Utena times! W/ lunaticneko as my bride <3
And my little sister was Baby!Zuko :D
I didn't finish Iroh >.> But I knew I wouldn't so dropped it a few weeks back, we'll take pics later.

Baby!Zuko is stoic, while current!Zuko is shocked 8D

She mades it herself~ Sort of. I talked her through it so it counts as her doing it, except the boots, which I figured would take too long to explain so made them on Friday >.>;; (whut, last minute? Never)

I have GREEN contacts, but you can't really see them, so sad.

Auugh epaulettes need to be fixed, they kept sliding forward.

I already upped my fave Utena pic to

Came back Sunday for some Loveless and X times w/ blackfruitbat, Kira (??), and reikofanel (pst Reiko, we got like one pic, photoshoot times?).
No X photos 'cause I'm lame like that.

This maybe my fave, as I have photoshoot ADD and was cracking up in more than half of the pics.

Icon just for yooou kiralikescake 8D Go watch Who now.

Edit~ Oh yeah, reikofanel, HERE are the Star Wars wedding pics.

soubi, con report, fanime, utena, loveless

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