I refused to be worried about a renegade like the Master

May 01, 2008 10:41

Yay~ now that kiralikescake has posted, I shall just link over there.

But first some chatting on the suuuuit. Ugh, NOT HAPPY with it. I really really want to remake it, in a good material. But hair? I don't want to go through the effort if I'm not going to be keeping my hair short. S'why I decided to not make a leather Nine coat after all, I may cut it that short again (probably, and just for Who), but it wouldn't be a habit. *rolls in indecision*

Also I noticed in these pics, as opposed to the Gallifrey pics, legs @.@ My legs really really don't work for Simm!Master. Too looooong. Mer.

( Fake Cut to dw_cosplay)

Never done fake cuts >.> so hopefully that doesn't look crappy.

Here is a REAL cut to a tried-to-be-cheesey pic

I didn't know what to dooo with that. Being in a black suit, and not really looking like Simm, I thought I ought to be obscured to give more the impression, and I wanted that ring to show. So that was the thought in doing it, but I'm not sure it really worked. Again, legs allll over the place what.

ten, master, doctor who

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