Aug 30, 2008 09:03
Twitter updates from the last 24 hours (from 9:00 AM CDT):
10:54 McCain choosing Palin as his VP seems like the crossroads of "pandering to disgruntled Hillaryites" and "missed the point of Hillaryism."
12:44 Just got free popsicles from the "90210" ice cream truck. That seems like it ought to be a euphemism. It isn't.
13:38 I don't know whether to blame Lighthouse or this coffee shop for why I can't get into my account. BUT I NOT HAPPY AND I BITE !!!
13:45 Currently screen sharing over BTTM and tweeting from my home Mac...from the coffee shop. Welcome to the future, vote for Obama, etc.
14:17 I love it when ill-informed, naïve liberals get into political arguments with ill-informed, cynical liberals while making lattés.
15:55 Telemarketing pro tip: If you sound like you're lying when you say "my name is Daniel," I will hang up on you.
17:00 Now explaining to someone who works with digital media for a living that uploading 2.5 GB files to the web is not normal. Next up: seppuku.
18:28 After thinking about it all day, I have decided I am *terrified* of McCain choosing Palin as his running mate. Essay to come later.
19:33 My blog hasn't been updated in months because as I'm writing, a voice inside me keeps screaming "TL;DR! TL;DR!!!!!"
21:27 Mind's racing. Can't focus, can't sleep. Overstimulated. Too much coffee, too much pent-up energy from a week of sick days, too too much.
08:22 Woke up craving two things: a scone, and a reason how Apple made the navigation bar in iPhone Notes all cute and textured-like.