Anatidae have swum and also flewn

Feb 08, 2006 12:21

If you don’t know the tune to Jakers
And my paean to Potter you’d like to croon
Just scroll back a couple of day-kers
And sing it to the Brady Bunch tune

Just five days ‘til my birthday cakers
Candle-lighting will be at noon
Celebrate for goodness sakers
If you’re a pirate, bring me a doubloon

Then we’ll go to Washington Lakers
It’s close by, we’ll be there soon
Look at all those ducks and drakers
Swimming in a bird platoon

For breakfast I enjoy oat Quakers
Eaten with a runcible spoon
George Bush prefers to have corn flakers
Bugs Bunny would call him “a maroon”

livejournal, music, creative, holiday, song

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