my laptop's back and i'm back

Jun 10, 2005 14:18

well, it's not like i went anywhere. i just didn't have anything significant to write in livejournal. nothing here i can write is any different from what denny has put. we kidnapped jon and brought him to dairy queen, which was the highlight of the summer of '05 (the motto: that was a bad choice:( ). well, also, i've been working a lot. i haven't started my 40 hours each week yet because we don't get summer hours for 2 weeks. but i'm meeting with caroline sunday about hours at PPSC guarding. i'm working every day all summer. no days off except vacations. i'm ready, i guess.

oh yeah! after jogging my mind, i realized something i'm pissed about. so ok, i'm probably making about $400-$500 every other week this summer from working both jobs. right now, i have little money. my last paycheck was $266: i put $100 in the bank and kept $166. i'm now down to $30. so i'm terrible at managing money. however, i did save up for red sox tickets for when i visited maine. i was going to take kristen to see the game, because she loves the sox and all. well, i didn't tell her because i wanted it to be a surprise. and it was. and when she told me she was working while i'm in maine every day, i nearly snapped. that means that she can't go to the game. fuck that. i'm taking TC anyways, so it's still all good. but i seriously wouldn't have normally spent $200 on TC hahaha. but yeh, it didn't work out..

i'm seeing the phillies tomorrow night. yeah, me and my 30 dollars. all the PPSC people are going, so i figured, why not? eh..
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