Hi Hi!
Okay so I think I've gotten a hang of this whole LiveJournal thing.. (it was sooo much easier on Xanga back in the day when I had it lol) Changed my layout once again. The previous one I had on kinda made me feel like a kid... plus this one has pink in it.... I LOVE pink. So yeah, I'm just sitting here in my room with the laptop on my makeshift coffeetable/desk/thinger wondering why the heck it's so cold. I swear I have like 2 sweaters on and it's still freezing. So yeah. Just typing about random stuff today. Got home from work about 2 hours ago and I'm beat. I got yelled at by 5 different people. People are just so rude these days. You see I work for a Market research company and so we do research on behalf of big companies. So really, it's not my fault if the clients we contact have a problem with them, I'm just the freaking messenger you know? Anywho, enough with the ranting... I got home today and started watching Sho's "The Quiz Show" and up to now I'm on episode 5 so far (BIG thanks for the subbing teams REALLY!... I totally quit the whole stream-watching habits to support you guys!)
Sakurai Sho's The Quiz Show
Sakurai plays the host of a live TV quiz program. On the show, contestants who achieve 7 correct answers win 10 million yen, and those who get 8 correct answers will have one of their wishes granted by the TV network. But while the questions start off innocently enough, as the game progresses, the questions gradually delve into the contestants' past crimes or indiscretions, presenting them with the dilemma of having to confess their guilt in order to win. Sakurai's character also has a mysterious past. Before becoming the show's host, an accident had left him in a vegetative state for six years, which also resulted in him losing most of his memories. --
Tokyograph So here's my review of the show so far... [warning some spoilers]
I just stumbled upon this drama because I was on Aibakaland's forum and thought "Hey, I haven't seen this yet and I'm a fan of psychological dramas so why not watch it?" Plus exams were done and I wanted a nice start to my relaxing vacation.
To be quite honest I kind of like and don't like Sho in this drama. I like the fact that he's not playing a typecasted character but then I don't like the fact that it weirds me out to see him so conniving. I know he's been called calculative before but the way he acted on the show was just maniacal. He plays this host who's supposed to know ALL about the contestantdwdsand I keep wondering where he gets all of this information from and how come the producer is always in such a panic. I mean, if she knew that the producer guy was up to no good then why doesn't she just fire him already. It's been like this for the first 5 episodes and I have a feeling that it's just going to continue on for the rest of the series. It gets quite annoying because she tries to be this self-assured professional but then she's always put into these compromising situations like taking a cab just to fetch a summon. Talk about dedication. What I also didn't like about this Sho/show (hah.. a pun) was when he kept on screaming. It was sooo painful to watch. As good as an actor he is, I just wasn't used to him writhing in pain because of those memory relapses. Does it really happen like that? I wouldn't know... although I should.. because I'm a psych major. =_=;; but moving on. The overall plot is pretty interesting but when it actually comes to watching the drama it's a bit annoying because the whole game show thing gets pretty old. I don't know, like played out already in the first episode because you already know that there's some secret the contestant is hiding and that the whole point of this game show is some sort of ego boost for the shady director guy by playing God or something.
Despite all of this though, I'm still going to continue to watch this. It's just so weird because I'm so used to Sho as a variety show host that it seems kind of normal to see him on a game show setting but normal at the same time because he steps on so many toes and is kinda loopy. Just not the Sho I'm used to on AnS or Himitsu. (He uses his same announcer voice!)
but yeah... that's my pointless review/rant. Hope you enjoyed it. Not like anyone's reading anyway but I least I got to say it. lol
That's all for now. I'm going to bed..
[Edited: 12:23 am]
[EDITED on April 23, 2010]
since I wrote up a review for Sho's drama I decided to edit this post so I can review My Girl. (totally overdue I know)
First off, they are SOOOO frickken' cute! AHHH i Love AIBA! and they casted Koharu really well. They're both sooo cute it hurts! Secondly, love the opening song and video. Twas done very well. As for Aiba's character Masamune, I didn't like him very much. Too hesitant and doubtful for my liking but then again, that's what first time parenthood is like right? I hated it when there were really stupid moments, like literally face-palm moments when he would just leave her to her own devices. At this point I was like "BUDDY! She's only FIVE! wtf?!?" I hate negligence ESPECIALLY when the people who are doing so should know better! But then, that's what adds to the appeal of the drama I guess...? Aiba acted really well in this drama and totally deserved that award he got. Another thing I kind of didn't like was that I found that relationship between him and his ex/dead girlfriend was kinda of shallow. I know, I know, the whole drama is supposed to be about the whole father-daughter relationship but still. She was the only one connecting the two and I would've liked to see a more in-depth take on their relationship. I've started reading the manga version of this drama of the same title. I love the art. So detailed. And after reading the first volume, the drama has stayed true so the core ideas of the manga, string telephone, and all that. Will review on this later n_n
but yeah here's another picture yay!! I'm going to try finishing the manga series.