Poll: USA is losing patience on Iraq

Jun 13, 2005 11:21

In the Gallup Poll, 56% say the Iraq war wasn't "worth it," essentially matching the high-water mark of 57% a month ago.

Of those who say the war wasn't worth it, the top reasons cited are fraudulent claims and no weapons of mass destruction found; the number of people killed and wounded; and the belief that Iraq posed no threat to the United States.

Of the 42% who say the war was worth it, the top reasons cited are the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States, the need to stop terrorism and a desire to end the oppression of the Iraqi people.

Source: USA Today (http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-06-12-poll_x.htm)

Why do some Americans put 9/11 and Iraq in the same sentence? Last I check the terrorist on Sept.11 had Saudi links. Yet people insist on relating the two.

We went into this war because Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. After 3 years, 1700 US soldiers killed, and billions of US tax dollars spent we now realize there are no WMD. It came at no surprise that Saddam wanted WMD, but the fact is he didnt have the materials for WMD, and even if he did he didnt had the resources to use the material.

Oh, wait a minute; were in this because of the war on terror. What, Sept 11th? Again Iraq had nothing to do with that horrible day. Hell even the Bush administration said so; yet they still uses that date and the war in the same sentence. Hmmm

Heck, were doing this to liberate Iraq! Dont get me wrong, Saddam is an awful person. He will pay for what hes done. However I have two questions:

Did removing Saddam make Iraq a safer place?

Did it make the WORLD a safer place?

Aside from the insurgents I think Iraq is a safer place without Saddam. However I feel the world itself isnt any safer. (See N. Korea, Iran, and more importantly; Al Qaeda.)

Personally I support our troops, BUT, I stopped supporting this war as soon as we realized there were no WMD.

The Bush administration began to panic when they realized there were no WMD; they tried to come up with every excuse to justify this war. To make matters even worse the Bush Administration pointed its finger at the one group that got our back soon after Sept 11th: Tony Blair and company!
Didnt they (Bush Administration) say the faulty intelligence on WMD came from our neighbors on the other side of the pond? You mean to tell me we didnt do our own research before invading Iraq?

Just a little rant on a big problem

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