Jan 18, 2006 22:32
So okay...VERY interesting day at work today...at least I would say. So around 1030ish or so...Power goes out-but only for a few seconds. Then like 10 minutes later the power really goes out. And I was walking around doing stuff (I even did a mail-run in the dark..it was hilarious. I was like people..the mail does not stop!!! Cuz everyone was asking me why I was still working...It was amusing.) Anyway - so David comes up behind me and whispers "It's dark in here." and I was like yeah I know. And he's like Isn't it fun? and I'm like yeah!!! So later on I was out talking to Olga and I was telling her the story and she's like I gotta tell you something he said. And I was like what? And she said that when the power went out he said something like he hopes that I know he's close and that I'm not scared and maybe he should check on me. And I was like awww did he really? and she's like yeah. I was like that's so sweet. So then I was on my phone talkin to Misty and David walks up and he like stands in the opening of my cubical so I get up and I was like what's up? and he's like who are you talking to? And I was like Misty. And he's like oh. And I was like oh, do you wanna talk to her? and he's like sure. So he grabs the phone from me and is talking to Misty and I hear him say "Yeah, but not the kind of fun we could be havin" and I just looked at him and I was like eh whatever. So then he's like okay..I'm gonna give you back to Pam and you can tell her the story but don't blame it on me. And I get the phone from him and he's like make her tell you...and I was like Misty what did you say? and she's like I asked him if you were having fun and he said yeah, but not the kind of fun you could be having. And Misty was like well that's cuz I'm not there. And I was like "Misty - we can't have that kind of fun with you here." and David like totally turned around and was like woah..it was hilarious!! I started crackin up. And David was like well Misty's all set. I don't know what your problem is. And I was like I don't swing that way...sorry. And we were all laughin. And then he was starin at me and I was talkin to Misty and I was trying to tell her I didn't give him the letter because her and Heather have both been telling me I have to give it to him...and I was like Misty I didn't do it. And he's just looking at me with this questioning look...and She's like you loser..give it to him. And I was like no...I don't know if i want to. It makes me nervous. And he's just like walkin around me. And then she was like well let me talk to him and I was like no! you're not talking to him! and he's like what? and I was like she wants to talk to you but I won't let you. And he's like let me see the phone. And I was like no...ur not having it. And she's like come on (he's standing next to me at this point) just give him the letter...you know you love him! and I was like Misty!!! I don't want that to be public knowledge yet okay!!! And she starts laughin...and I'm like yeah, not funny. So then he started pouting and I was like fine..take the phone. So then I hear David say "really? is it good? okay...Bye." and then I take the phone back and I was like so what's up Misty? and David was like she says you wrote me a letter but you won't give it to me. And I was like yeah, that's right. And he's like well why? And I was like because...it makes me nervous. And he was like please...and I was like I don't know. So then he starts walking away all upset and I was like "do you really want it?" and he's like yeah...and I was like okay...so I take it out of my pocket and I go to hand it to him and then I pulled back and I was like Idk if I want you to have it and he's like come on...so I was like Idk and then he took it. And then of course, he went and read it. Well then after telling Misty I was mad, I hung up and started working (since we are by windows and we could build folders, me & dayna were the only reg. workers who stayed...rest of the building was sent home). So then David comes up and he's standing behind me and he kicks this box. And I was like what's the deal man? don't kick my boxes. and he was like fine and he walks away...and I got up and I was like what's up? and he's like nothing...and I'm like whats the matter? And he's like I don't know anymore... (and that's the same thing he used to say when we were real close and he didn't know what to do cuz he wanted to be with me) and I was like okay...and we talked about general crap a little bit more and then Ernie came up, so I walked away. Then later on, David came up and sat in Jeanine's chair for like a good 20-25 minutes while I finished working. And we were talking about random crap because Dayna was still up there and he didn't wanna say anything in front of her. Cuz then as soon as she got up and left, he was like so I read your letter...and I was like oh yeah? And he's like yeah...It was nice...and I was like I don't know...I wasn't sure if I should give it to you..But I kept getting yelled at to. And he's like oh. Then Dayna walks up so we quit talkin about that. So he stayed up there and we talked about other random stuff and then I had to take some boxes out to shipping, but it was pitch black in the plant so I wasn't allowed out there. So David was like I can put them out there and I was like what makes you so special? Why can't I? and he's like how about I escourt you out there...and I was like okay. so we did that and then we talked for a few more and then Ernie came up and started talking to David and he got up and left. So then I went and finished up everything and I was lookin for him but couldn't find him. So I walk out and he's outside and I was like Bye David!! but he didn't hear me...so I didn't get to say bye. which sucked majorly. so maybe we'll talk more tomorrow. So now I just re-read the letter before I typed this and I can't believe he actually knows all that know...kinda makes me sick. oh well...it's done. I guess he does care...now I gotta wait and be patient..see if he does what's smart... :-P that's it.
Thanks for listening to me so much lately Heather!!! I know I've been a pain and I know David is boring to hear about all the time. You're the best! i love ya hun!!!