holdin' me close, keepin' me warm...this is ecstacy

Dec 21, 2007 13:04

Today has been rather productive. Definitely.

Got up at 6 and got Brandon ready, sent him on his way.
Ironed Sammy's shirt and helped him get ready for work.
Did the laundry before 10.
Plucked my eyebrows. (Hey, it's important.)
Ate lunch.
Wrapped presents.
Cleaned the bathroom.
Did the dishes.
Packed for this weekend.
Cleaned my shoes.

Now, I wish they'd hurry up and turn the hot water back on 'cos I'd like to take a shower. :/ That's why I'm posting now.

I'm excited for Sammy to meet my family. I hope everyone gets along, you know? They should, I don't see why not. I just worry is all. This is big for me... Sammy is so special to me, and he means a lot to me. And most importantly, I'm really serious about him. I really feel that he'll be in my life for a long, long time. It's only right that he gets to know my family and not only that, but that they like him, too.

We're happy together, we really are. We get so silly with each other, too. We're not serious a whole lot. When necessary, sure, but otherwise? We're just goofin' off or watching TV - Family Guy, Futurama, Scrubs - so even then there's lots of laughing.

I fell asleep on the couch last night while we spooned watching The Simpsons. We fit together so well and I do love that. He commented on that the other day, too...

Right, enough mushy gush from me. They said the hot water'd be back at 1... And it's 1:03 now, so I'm gonna go test this theory and hopefully take my shower. :) Wish me luck!

thoughts, the boy

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