Two Updates in One Month. It's a Miracle!

Apr 22, 2013 22:27

Sitting here in the basement family room with Spike the Wonder Cat (alias Spikey, alias Spanky).  He's turned into such a pal.  I never knew that Siamese kitties were so affectionate.

Just really tired from/of work and the D**khead on our test team who thinks he's the 'assistant team lead' when all he really is, is a glorified secretary.

There are few people who really turn me off.  Among those are ones who continually interrupt or otherwise hog the conversation.  This one is apparently the oldest among his siblings, and delights in playing the 'mother hen'.

I call him Mother Goose (among other things that I shall not repeat in polite company).

Being the youngest among my siblings (as is Patty), I chafe at anyone who thinks that I need 'shepherding' or other forms of nagging.

Not to mention the fact that I have a much wider range of experience and knowledge than him, including being a team lead.

The other person who frustrates me is 'The Kid'.  Apparently he's not that young, but he's always going up and down the aisle striking up senseless conversations, all the while commenting about how busy he is.  He asked me if he could help test some items so I talked with our test team lead and advocated for him.

Then I gave him some very simple items to work on.  Turns out he's not making much progress.  I finally did all the research work for him and showed him previous engineering notes that were similar to the things he's working on.  All he has to do is copy, paste and change a few details to fit his stuff.  Today, he said he was feeling bad and needed to go home.  He asked if he could have till the end of the week to get them done instead of tomorrow as we had planned.  I told him that would be okay.

I'm no fool.  My plan is to go ahead and finish the engineering notes on my own, since I did all the hard work of research anyway.  That way, when he comes back with another excuse, I'll already have them done, and can just 'relieve him' of any responsibility.

Anyway, had to express my frustration, and as usual, LJ is the best forum.  I really need to stop wasting time on FB and spend more here.

Started a new blog for my hobbies at  Come check it out sometime if you're interested.
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