Really going to have to focus on posting more. My excuse is that I've been sick since February - first a cold, which then turned into a sinus infection, and then was accompanied by bronchitis.
After a few runs of different antibiotics, and some other good meds, I'm finally about to beat it.
The big news of late in the Big Blue House is that we adopted another kitty a couple of weeks ago. He's a big, sweet, long-haired Siamese named Spike, and he's also polydactyl.
Still trying to think of a better name. Among the candidates are Smokey, Spock, and Chow Yun Cat. =P
As we've gotten to know him better, we've found that he IS a bit of a Spike, though. He's getting along with the other kitties very well. Only a few little spats early on.
Here's a pic: