Jul 16, 2015 15:02
Every time I write in this thing I apologize for not writing in it.
So fuck that, I'll write when I wanna.
New stuff, let's see....
I had to take my nipple piercings out. It's been over a year and it still hasn't healed, and jon said I needed to take them out and repierce them when they're better. Which is what I'm doing. It feels weird to not have them anymore.
I'm walking most days, at least a mile, to try to lose some weight. Jon's bribing me with clothes and stuff.
I'm trying to start drawing again. I kind of haven't felt like it.
We're about to build a fence in the back yard for us and our tenants.
Ive started work on a comic but it's lapsed. I need to make the next page.
I'm reading up on Buddhism, and I think I might convert.
Still with Jon, still love him like woah. Been with him longer than any man ever. We're almost up to 6 years :)
Maddy's eight. I dont know how to handle this.
I'm sorry i havent spoken to you guys much. I miss you I really do. i miss the community here. It used to be a lot more than it is now. I guess the world's moved on a bit :/