Apr 27, 2015 17:43
So I haven't been talking here much. To be honest there hasn't been much to say and most of my friends are on facebook and the ones i had here aren't here anymore, so that's where i talk. I tried to go back to deadjournal but the amount of drama between the owner and his ex girlfriend were so high i just really had to split from there.
And then I didnt' want to journal for a while
So we have a renter next door but she's basically bailed on us. So we've got to get a new one starting june first. and we think we have one, but she hasn't answered me much either so I have another one that's coming to look at the place tomorrow.
And I've just been really stressed and I kind of feel like crying for a few days
But i'm also having some hormonal stuff going on so it could be that.
I dont know.
We've got a new dog and a hedge hog as well. Angela gave them to us when she and Bj moved.
And work has been super busy. Super.
Things aren't bad just stressful and hectic and I'm tired of everything lol.