In which I talk your ear off about fish and a little about turtles

Dec 16, 2014 15:20

Jon's making apple pancakes. He was going to surprise me with them but the very loud rhythmatical sound of him chopping granny smiths woke me up. Yes, I know it's around 3pm right now...I may or may not have stayed up all night playing Skyrim. (Hint: I totally stayed up till seven thirty playing skyrim.)
I havent been sleeping well at night. I'm going to have to change my sleep patterns.
I got my betta, Fin Diesel, a leaf on a suction cup and a sinking log for him to bask on and swim through. He seems to love them. I really want to overhaul his tank a little an get some gravel in there. I'm not a fan of the clear rocks that came with his kit. I also need to get him a flaring mirror for exercise.
We may or may not spoil fish in this house.
Speaking of when Jon thaws some blood worms (metal name) I need to make sure he gives Fin one or two. Bettas have tiny stomachs but too muh blood worm can make them fat. haha.
I woke up just in time for him to swim to his basking leaf and settle on top of it, sticking his face out of the water for a gulp of air. Unlike most other fish, bettas have a labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe air which is why they do ok in shallow pools of water or those little cups you see them in at fish stores. They're not -great- in those (What fish doesnt want to swim after all?) but they do ok. Right now he's in a 3 gallon which he loves. When the other fish get an upgrade to their tanks (hopefully after christmas when we have xmas money) we'll move him to the ten gallon, the goldfish will go to the fifty gallon, we'll put the turtles in the turtle habitat we're going to make out of a turtle shaped sandbox, and the angel fish will head into a 75 gallon if we find one for sale on craigs list that we like
Apparently my journal is a fish novel today. I'm sorry to anyone who came here looking for angstyangst. Well...I was grumpy when i woke up 3 hours ago to wake up jon because he'd slept all day and i wanted the whole bed to myself >.>
What Was I saying?
Right. Fin likes his basking leaf. Bettas like to flop near the surface of whatever tank their in, and it's better to have long tanks rather than deep ones because with their long fins they prefer to not have to work too hard to get to the top. Also some of them can feel overwhelmed if their space is too big and one hasnt provided them with ample places to skulk and hide.
What else what else?
Well Jon gave Dapple and Bazil a couple apple cores with some meat still on them. Dapple is snapping at them like a raptor and chowing down. Very happy turtle. Bazil's a very shy boy but I think dapple likes to remind us that her ancestors may or may not have been dinosaurs. I get hauty-glared at with a full neck extension from her all the time. If she was huge she'd be a majestic steed for a pandaren. >.>
She's giving me a look right now. She's right. There's no way she'd let some fat bear ride on her back.
Imma back slowly away over here.
Anyway that's the start of my day. Sorry it was uninteresting! See ya guys!

nerd, fish, me, jon, turtles

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