Gimme a F! Gimme a U! Gimme a C! Gimme a K!

Dec 17, 2003 00:04

Hello everyone.

Winter Break started for me on Wednesday last week. But, instead of immediately returning home, some things were in store for me. First off was going to the studio with my band. We had two sessions, one on Thursday from 9-3. Thats 9pm to 3am. To sum up that day in one word: disaster. It was a mess. See, the studio is located at Hampton University, just a short drive from ODU. Which wouldn't be too bad if we didn't have to schlep (haul) all of our equipment to HU from the practice space in Chesapeake, which is about a 40 minute drive. Also, Steve's car is broken down, so I had to schlep his drums. And Katie. I had to fit everything into my car. Well, at least I got Reese to haul the amps to the studio. Anyhoo, first thing we had to do was record onto reel to reel tape. We attempted that, unsuccessfully. Basically, the entire mixing board broke down, and we couldn't get anything onto tape. Then this security guard showed up. HE was drunk off his ass. He was harrassing Reese and Katie. So, basically Steve and I fucked around for four hours.
The next night was better though. We all showed up at 8, and Reese had arrived before us and set up all of Steve's drums and mics. All we had to do was set me up and we were good to go. So, we got sounds and we recorded one of our songs onto the reel to reel. Next, we loaded the ADAT recorders and did two more tracks. The first track we did, we had to go back and redo Katie's vocals. No sweat, until we tried to record just Katie with the rest of the band playback. Basically, Reese hit the record button on the ADAT machine and it made this noise, like a bomb exploding noise. That was bad. Then, for the next song, Reese wanted to have Katie out in the hall to record her vocals. There was some nice natural reverb out in the hall, so it seemed like a good idea. Over the headphones, we hear this noise that Katie described as the "Mario Bros." noise. It sounds like when you jump on a bad guy and kill him. thats the noise it was making. So, we pulled Katie back into the studio from the hall and stuck her in the closet. This was also a good idea, except for the light goes out whenever you close the door to the closet. Good for Steve and I, not for Katie. Anyhoo, we eventually got the take and it turned out to be really good. So, except for all the stuff that went wrong, it was good. We got two songs on tape, and now we know what its like to be in a recording studio, albeit a ghetto one, but it definately sounds better than the 4 track tapes I made in my bedroom.
On Saturday, I drove home. I worked that night, then it snowed, again. It always seems to snow every time i go home. Luckily, My nigga Dave came out to the 'Burg before it snowed and he brought his posse with him. We chilled out at Casa del Coppersmith and other points of Interest.
Yesterday, I worked and made some loot. Also, I met up with my friend Luke. We drove around, got baked, and told old stories of hanging out with James. Luke always finds a story to tell me that I haven't heard, which is why I like chilling with Luke.
Today, I went to court for this speeding ticket I got in November. I plead guilty and paid my fine. That pretty much wiped out all my funds for Christmas shopping thus far, but I am working all weekend. I called Luke after I got out of court. We met up and hit a few roads. We told more stories. It was a good time. Then tonight I took care of Annabelle and ordered $55 worth of chinese food. It was badass.
Tomorrow, Lord of the Rings opens. Luke and I are gonna go and see it. Also, I'm going to Guitar Center to return some tools I purchased.
I hope everyone had a good exam week and hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday. I don't want to be going to anyone's fueneral. But, I do put the fun in Fueneral
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