I was hiking in Cornwall for several days. The third day I was reminded of B/D while I had a look in a shop window. It was the moment when I had an idea - a Cornish love story between Bodie and Doyle. Everything you look at in this post is Cornish (except my words ;-). Let's start!
A warning in advance:
There were two men having a vacation in Cornwall and their names were
Each of them is
Their story is a complete...
Doyle and Bodie were sitting in the Red Lion.
They talked and drank and ate a lot.
Ray talked about his past as a police man, and Bodie... well...
They drank a lot more...
... and talked about birds.
Bodie was a bit more aroused than before...
...and Ray Doyle too.
Tipsy as they were they decided to try a short fling with one another and ran to their guesthouse.
Arriving in their room they threw away all the clothes they were wearing.
Bodie suggested something he liked...
... and Doyle was happy. Soon they were at it like rabbits.
As they were lying on the bed afterwards Doyle told Bodie he wanted to fuck him the next time. Bodie shook his head and said to Doyle:
Then he asked Doyle if there was any food in the room.
Bodie found something sweet and he ate really a lot of it.
Doyle teased him about...
... but Bodie ignored him and looked for hot water instead.
An hour later they were cuddling in bed and Bodie was really happy. He suddenly felt mushy and told Doyle he now thought a bit different about being fucked...
... and he would now
(This post is not child-safe!)
...because Doyle was happily entering Bodie's...
The next day they had to have lunch with Cowley. Both men ordered meals fitting to their new situation.
Cowley knew at once the meaning of it and retreated to his office to think about the new situation.
He had a conference with Dr. Ross about Bodie and Doyle while Betty was waiting in the background to tell him news about the PM.
The next day Cowley told his two best men they had to be exclusive with one another to avoid any blackmail.
So Bodie and Doyle got...