You know who just made my shit list? NARAL.
As a few of you know, Im agnostic about abortion, I havent yet
formulated a position because to be entirely honest, it is not an issue
that matters greatly to me except as far as it effects candidates
politically (which is Ill admit a function of me not having a position,
and thus the circle continues. but I digress).
The idiocy of these people is astounding. Ever since NARAL pushed
Langevin out of the race EVERY DEM RUNNING IS PRO CHOICE. and yet
you know what I have a good idea! lets endorse someone who will keep
Frist as the Senate Majority leader! that sounds like a way to make
your right to choose safe doesnt it! These people have, before you
enter their website, an intro page with big letters complaining about
the Nuclear option. which I admit is a problem. But the way to solve
that problem is NOT to endorse someone who will VOTE WITH THE DAMN
REPUBLICANS. A democratic Senate will help us much more then. A democratic senate will be able to protect
these rights you cherish.
but what do I know.. I bet if I read some news articles, some
information will come forward to make this decision make sense. lets
try, say, I dont know, the
Providence Journal:
"Brown attacked Chafee for refusing to embrace a litmus test. Brown
and Whitehouse both attacked Chafee on grounds that, as a Republican,
he will almost certainly support a Senate Republican leadership team
that would set an antiabortion agenda, no matter how he votes on
individual abortion-related bills or on judicial nominations.
On that basis alone, "It doesn't make sense" for NARAL to endorse
Chafee, said Whitehouse, who acknowledged that he has privately made
this case to NARAL officials."
Oh. nope. guess not. thats too bad.
NARAL has a position. I respect that. what they're doing this time is
disloyal and against their own damn interests. but frankly I care more
about the loyalty. They are betraying the party that is the only thing
standing between their rights and the black hole known as Judicial
damnation, and it doesnt even help their principles. If it was a
pro-life dem they were opposing Id understand. Id disagree with an
endorsement.. just as I disagreed for them pushing Langevin out of the
race. but this doesnt make sense to me. Maybe Im missing something, let
me know.
EDIT: Ok. I was about to go off on another rant about the nuclear option. but just go to
Daily Kos and read about it.