3555: Beyond the Veil - Hermione and Draco

Oct 06, 2015 22:13

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Accepting entries for the Thirteenth Annual Pottersues Contest.

Today's link of the day is Too Young to Freelance? Not Today. I'm completely baffled why an adult is suggesting teens should try making an earning as a freelance writer and feel the writer or the article is giving teens false hopes. This is a great way to shatter a young writers love of writing.

TITLE: Beyond the Veil
SUMMARY:”Hermione has always been called to the arch that looms over her in the Death Chamber in the Department of Mysteries where she works. Little does she know it's someone from her past who haunts her, none other than Draco Malfoy. Can she pull him back to the side of the living? Or will she too succumb to the lure of The Veil?”
FULL NAME: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy
SPECIES: She's an Unspeakable, he's a CEO of a company and a ghost because he's in a coma.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Draco appears to Hermione because “you are my greatest failure. IF there is any way to punish me, it's you.” She eventually wakes sleeping beauty and they have a gushy, mushing ending. This is because she eventually she finds a solution in a book. “"Sometimes there are souls who lose the will to live. They become stuck in a state of "limbo" in which they cannot leave to go to the afterlife but also cannot go to the world of the living. Depending on how long a soul stays in limbo determines the chance of bringing them back. There is a time limit, which varies from wizard to wizard however the most common time bracket is one month. There have been several attempts at rescuing a soul from limbo however only two have ever succeeded. […] In 1835, a woman by the name of Charlotte Allan created a solution to rescuing a soul from limbo. The soul had given up, losing the will to live. Charlotte believed that a soul could regain a body if a proper spell was cast at the precise time. Over the course of researching, Miss Allan created a spell known as Possem ego meam pro te. In order to perform the spell though, a price had to be paid. For anyone to cast the spell, the caster must be willing to exchange their life for the other. Only those with the purest of intentions, and a heart full of love for the lost soul, can the soul come back to the world of the living." She casts a spell, gets sucked into the veil and then helps him escape.
ORIGIN: The writer decides to explore the mysteries of the veil in the Department of Mysteries.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: “There hasn't been an incident in centuries of something leaving the Veil and she really hopes it stays that way.” I was under the impression the veil is a one-way trip. Hermione is also able to see Draco. Draco collapsed randomly collapsed.

NOTES: I tried figuring out what bothered me about this one, and I finally realized the problem lies in the fact a lot of the things which happen are there to make things convenient for the plot. Draco collapsing randomly is an example. Then there is the spell and solution to the problem.


There are moments in Hermione Granger's career where all she can do is stand in front of the arch, with the faint curtains drifting towards her in beckoning. Sometimes she can hear whispers calling to her in the sweetest ways, urging her to walk through and follow them. Other times, the sight is still and too silent.

She doesn't know which scenario she prefers.

But working in the Department of Mysteries, where she walks through the Death Chamber and does her rounds she swears there are moments in which she feels a sudden chill go through her soul, numbing her movements and she stands, unable to travel.

The more the brunette thinks about it, the more she believes that something is calling to her beyond the veil.

Truth be told, the arch fascinates her. It haunts her dreams, lingering in her drowsiness as she awakes from slumber and stumbling into her thoughts during the day. It's a lingering reverie, almost like a memory, and some days she has to avoid the hall at all costs because her resolve is too weak and she knows she'll walk through with no questions.

And that scares her to her core.

It's another day at the office when she hears a loud clatter and smash. Her head perks up and she dashes out of her office quickly, wondering what happened. Except when she leaves and enters into the foyer of her department, there is nothing broken. In fact, the whole place is silent.

Which tells Hermione that it's the Veil.

With slow, cautious steps, she makes her way to the arch that looms over her like a nightmare and yet a blessed dream.

The Death Chamber is silent as the brunette enters in, wand ready to attack whatever may come out. There hasn't been an incident in centuries of something leaving the Veil and she really hopes it stays that way.

But there's an eerie feeling in the air that causes the Gryffindor to look around, trying to spot whatever may be causing it. There are faint whispers echoing around her and the brunette can find her feet moving her towards the arch.

She tries to stop, really, but there's an invisible force pulling her towards it. Hermione finally manages to rip herself out of the ghostly grasp and stumbles to the floor. She slowly raises herself up, only to look directly into the arch and see none other than a faint figure looking back at her. She squints, trying to make out who it is and as a result the person seems shocked, taking a step back.

"You can see me?" it says, a weak sound drifting to Hermione's ears and she blinks a few times because she recognizes the voice, she knows she does, but can't seem to place a finger on whom it is.

Of course, her fear registers then and the brunette stumbles onto her feet and runs out of the Death Chamber as fast as she can.

Voices aren't supposed to come from the Veil after all.

p - fluff train, stu - draco malfoy, rating - bad, sue - hermione granger

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