3541: Alexis Lestrange series - Alexs Lestrange

Sep 13, 2015 23:32

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. Don't forget about the fanfic contest.

Today's trope is the Sympathy Sue. I think this one is rather self explanatory.

Today's link of the day is General OC rant (Mary Sue's, character desgn, and more

TITLE: Alexis Lestrange and the Boy Who Lived, Alexis Lestrange and the Diary of Tom Riddle, Alexis Lestrange and the Grim, Alexi Lestrange and the TriWizard Champion,Alexis Lestrange and Dumbledore's Army, The Chimera Tattoo
PERPETRATOR: “Hi! I'm Ayleana! Aka Keith the Evil Dark Lord
SUMMARY:”What if Harry Potter's best friend was as infamous as he was? What if her past was an even bigger secret to her then Harry's? What if her name was Alexis and this was her story... (Fifth book now up! 3/31/15)”, ”Sequel to Alexis Lestrange and the Boy Who Lived Alexis is excited to start her 2nd year at Hogwarts and spend time with her friends but when students start getting petrified fingers are being pointed in all directions. Alexis is sure it isn't either of her best friends fault but something tells her she knows exactly who culprit is-and it's not Goldilocks. (5th book now up 3/31/15)”, ”(3rd Story to Alexis Lestrange Series) Alexis is ready for her third year at Hogwarts but when Black escapes Azkaban everything goes haywire. Dementors, a werewolf teacher, more Marauder secrets, and, worst of all, people want her and Harry to stop being friends! Alexis is sure it all has to do with her parents and this year she's determined to find out who they are no matter what.”, ”(4th in the Alexis Lestrange series) Alexis, with her best friend Harry at her side and Sirius looking out for her, is ready for what ever Hogwarts has to throw at her this year... At least, she thinks she is. Deatheaters, dragons, Drumstrang students, and dances are going to make this year a lot crazier than Alexis is ready for. And what's up with Uncle Moody?”, ”5th to Alexis Lestrange Series: As far as Alexis is concerned the war has already begun and her love ones have only been the first of the casualties. Now with enemies even amongst her friends, Alexis wants nothing more than to keep Harry safe but when the Ministry starts interfering and prisoners escape Azkaban, Alexis finds her job at protecting her best friend even more difficult” and ”Collection of one-shots revolving around the Alexis Lestrange series. Father's Day Special on second to last update!”.
FULL NAME: Alexis “Hex” Lestrange/McPherson
SPECIES: She's the daughter of Bellatrix. She's also a bloody American Sue.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter of the first book involves a man named Tomas McPherson deciding what the canon characters should have decided in the first place. Take the child out of Azkaban. Chapter two has Alexis having angst over not knowing her mom, and then a bunch of people show up at the house Thomas is raising her in. She's hidden, and there is a secret letter telling them she was given to a Muggle family and that “once he had gotten to America and that he visited her time to time in order to block her magical abilities.” She then has angst over Tom's death, and says “amo tu” over and over. She's left with a special letter from him. Somehow she ends up outside the Forbidden Forest. There is a painful interaction between Peeves and Flich. She randomly decides she wants to be called Hex and the staff is fine with this. She meets Draco, and for some reason he's telling her he hopes their in the same house despite the fact they've not even interacted. She gets called Harry's fangirl and joins Harry when he accompanies Wood to have Quiditch explained. All she does is tag along with the cast through the original plot. Between first and second year she goes home to Malfoy manor, and gets a lot of cool stuff... scratch that. I really don't want to dig through this one so I'm turning to the reviews. The writer kills off Ron in the third book. Harry's patronus gets changed.
ORIGIN: Everybody is discussing whether they should kill Alexis when she's born, and despite the fact they know they need to get Alexis out of Azkaban when she's born she's still there when she's six months old.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: At six months old she can mentally think to a grown adult with grown up speech. She has wandless magic. For some reason she has a liqiud luck potion from first year despite the fact she really shouldn't have had said potion. (At least according to one of the reviewers.) She's a natural at flying the broom, and has telepathy. (One reader suggested countering it with occulmacy.)

NOTES: I read the summary and asked myself, “what does Alexis add to the series beyond being a special snowflake. She doesn't. I know a lot of the reviewers say things like this one for book three, “I'm so glad that she's not a Mary Sue”, but in reality Alexis has the case of Mary Sue blues rather bad. I finally got fed up with reading the reviews.


Tomas McPherson held his wand tightly in his left hand. He still remembered how in his youth his friends used to tease him for being a lefty. They would call him Southpaw. The thought for some reason made him smile, a strange thing to do when surrounded by dementors, who quite literally sucked the happiness out of the air and anyone near the dark creatures. As he approached Bellatrix Lestrange's cell he realized just how nervous he was. He had only started working for the Ministry but his skills and prestige training had brought him up in the ranks faster then anyone before him save for his uncle. Yet he had never taken a life and the thought of his first execution being an unborn child frightened him. He wondered if his uncle had ever killed a child.

'Shut up' he thought to himself as he opened Bellatrix's door. 'It's evil. It belongs to Bellatrix and him... It has to be evil... Right?'

McPherson's eyes stared down at Bellatrix. The mad woman and Death Eater looked surprisingly peaceful in her spell induced sleep. Her hair was matted and unkempt far more than McPherson had expected for someone that had only just spent a few months in Azkaban but he doubted it had stayed prim and proper longer than a week anyways. Personal hygiene was probably low on a prisoner's care list. Nonetheless, Bellatrix most definitely looked at peace while unconscious, no doubt because she knew she was pregnant.

'She won't even know her child is gone...' McPherson thought with a sick grimace. 'She'll never even get a chance to defend it... Shut up!' he yelled at himself.

With a shaking hand, McPherson drew his wand and pointed it at the sleeping mother. He didn't say the spell aloud, nor did he exactly know what spell he had used. He only knew that there was now a very small, precious child lying in his arm. It wasn't even the size of an American football, which made since seeing that it could barely be six months old. There was little hair on it but he knew it was a raven black like its mother's.

"It was a girl," he whispered, to Bellatrix's unconscious form. His throat felt

af - wandless magic (child mastery), related to the blacks, rating - toxic, pc - parasite sue, ap - athletic pursuit, related to the lestranges, am - psychic/mutant (non-canon)

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