3510: Happily Ever After - Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny

Jul 27, 2015 11:53

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: Happily Ever After
PERPETRATOR: hinnyronmionescrose
SUMMARY:”A Hinny and Romione fanfic. What happens in the 19 years that J.K Rowling did'nt explain. Weddings children and more.”
FULL NAME: Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione
SPECIES: They're suffering from happily ever after syndrome
HAIR: “Ginny's Weasley red hair was pinned at the front and then cascaded down her back in ringlets.” “...her normally rowdy curls were tied up in a neat knot on the top of her head, a few loose curls fell around her face.”
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: “Just three months later Harry knew he wanted to move out of the Burrow”, but instead “Mr. and Mrs. Weasley would move into the small cottage over the hill”, and “there are two big bedrooms at the Burrow and Harry and Ginny got one and Ron and Hermione got the other. Harry realized this meant he and Ginny would be sharing a room. Same with Ron and Hermione. He did not know if he wanted things to happen or had happened between him and Ginny that one night sixth year, but he knew that Ron would kill him if he ever found out and if it happened again. Harry decided to just wait. Ron was having the same realization in his head. There was no doubt that wanted things to happen, but he knew Hermione wanted to wait. Ron decided to wait as well. The two couples moved in and were very happy.” “ Ron's jaw dropped when he saw his younger sister. She was wearing a pure white dress, it was strapless with a sweetheart neckline. It was tight until her hips where it puffed out into a full skirt. She had a scarlet ribbon tied around her waist, and the whole dress shimmered slightly.” “ Hermione replied. She was wearing a bright white lace dress that hugged her body and the fell into a full skirt. A gold ribbon was tied around her waist...”
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter for chapter one starts off with Harry having major angst over losing his home at Hogwarts. Ginny chides him tells him, "Oh Harry don't be silly you have a home at the Burrow. Mum says you can stay with us until you get your own place or move into number twelve Grimmauld Place." He has nightmares about Fred's death. Ginny comes in and the conversation quickly switches to her having major angst about how he abandoned her, and then Harry says he'll always protect her. The deaths of people takes a major backseat in this chapter as it then switches to a very happy breakfast made by Mrs. Weasley. We then get the second chapter for the first chapter. The next chapter starts off with “It had been six months since all of them started living together, and for the first time in forever Harry felt like he had a family. He had a home, a job, a girl, and his two best friends by his side. This feeling makes me want to have a family of my own, a wife and children would be nice. Harry thought. He knew what he wanted, he wanted to marry Ginny. Harry was worried though, they had only been living together for six months”. By chapter three (or four according to the writer) they're getting married, and Ron gets pissed off at the end because Draco randomly shows up at their wedding to thank them for saving his life a year ago. Chapter four, or chapter five is the girls getting prego, and Ron getting upset that Harry knocked up his sister. (This doesn't really make sense due to the fact Harry and Ginny are married)
ORIGIN: The writer joined up just over a month ago, and already thinks she's the “Ultimate Harry Potter Fangirl yep.” I guess the writer missed the memo where Rowling stated Ronmione actually wouldn't work out, and I guess the writer is rather young.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Everything is perfect. We even get the annoying perfect double wedding that in real life wouldn't be the perfect wedding for most brides.

NOTES: Yup. The writer has got to be rather young.


They got to the Burrow and Harry went straight to bed. As he was climbing into bed Ron spoke " Harry, you alright mate?" Of course I'm not alright Harry thought, all he said was " I will be" and closed his eyes. Naturally he had nightmares, flashes of green light, screams, the death of Fred Weasley. Harry woke with a start sweating and hot. He decided to go down stairs and get himself a cup of tea. When Harry returned from the kitchen to the living room, he was surprised to see Ginny sitting on the sofa. " Can't sleep?" she asked as he sat down next to her, Harry nodded. "Me either" she said. "Are you thinking about Fred?" Harry asked, knowing that the loss of her brother had affected the whole family. " A little bit, but I am mainly thinking about you. You almost died Harry, and the last thing I wanted was for you to be gone, not knowing how I feel about you, and leaving me to guess how you feel about me. I understand that that day you broke up with me you did it to protect me, but you still broke my heart and I-I'' tears started streaming down her face. Harry just pulled her into his arms. "Ginny, I'm so sorry. I wanted to protect you but instead I hurt you. When I was about to die, the only thing I regretted was that I didn't get to tell you that I would wait for you in heaven. I realized one night that I can't live without you. I don't know much anymore but one thing I do know is that I love you Ginny, and that will never change." Ginny just stared at him and said " Oh Harry, I love you too." Harry let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding. " I guess we are back together then. I am so happy that we are, I'm off to bed now." Harry said rising. " Harry wait, I still won't be able to sleep, would you stay with me?" Ginny said. " Course I will." Harry said. And the pair headed up the stairs.
The next morning…
Mrs. Weasley made them all breakfast the next morning and it was delicious. Ron decided he fancied a walk in the garden with Hermione after breakfast. They set out and soon found Hermione's favorite reading spot. It was a bench by a small pond that had a view of the countryside. " 'Mione I need to tell you something." Ron said after a few minutes. " And what might that be Ronald?" He took her hand and spoke " Hermione, I think I'm in love with you. In that love potion 6th year I smelled this perfume and it was the perfume you wore when we started hunting horcruxes and I guess I knew then." "Ron , I am pretty sure I am in love with you too. I smelled your hair in the Amotentia sixth year." Hermione replied and she leaned in to kiss him.
That night before bed Harry knew he had to tell Ron that he and Ginny were together again. " Ron, I thought you should know that Ginny and I are together again." Harry said. " Thats wonderful mate, I know that she makes you happy." Ron replied. " Well she does make me happy but the fact that I'm in love with her is a major factor." " I knew it! You're in love with my little sister. Bloody 'ell! 'Course I'm in love with Hermione so I guess we're even." Ron said matter of factly. " Good for you mate, Night." Harry replied. "Night Harry" Ron said, and with that they were off to bed.
Chapter 2: Moving Out (3 months later)
Just three months later Harry knew he wanted to move out of the Burrow. He and Ron now both had jobs as Aurors in training with the new Ministry of Magic. (Kingsley Shacklebolt is now Minister of Magic) Harry also knew he had all the money his parents left him, giving him enough to afford a small flat in London. He knew that Ron was thinking of moving out as well and that he could afford a flat from the money he got from helping George run Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. None of these things, however, were what was bothering him at the moment. The fact that he wanted to ask Ginny to move with him was the issue. Harry did not know how Ginny would react to the had only ever lived at the Burrow and was enjoying playing chaser for the Holyhead Harpies. Harry decided to voice his concern to George. ( Ron would freak out and tell Ginny)

p - fluff train, sue - ginny weasley, rating - toxic, stu - ronald weasley, stu - harry potter, sue - hermione granger

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