3507: Broken Mirror - Draco Malfoy

Jul 24, 2015 22:27

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: Broken Mirror
PERPETRATOR: Ms Ellie Cullen
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is a picture of Bella and Edward from the Twilight movies in sepia tones.
SUMMARY:”Drabble based on Elliot Minor's debut album. WARNING contains implied suicide”
FULL NAME: Draco Malfoy
SPECIES: … somebody who can't live without Harry
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Draco decides to kill himself because he can't deal with the fact Harry died ten years ago. There is also a major build up about how dull life is.
ORIGIN: Take ones favorite lyrics, and add paragraphs of out of character moments in between.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: We have another suicidal Sue/Stu which manages to tick me off. The writer pretty much twists canon and the subject matter to suit their personal needs. Take this line from the second paragraph. “It was the final battle when I realized just how much you loved me. You used that love to defeat Voldemort, even though you suffered from exhaustion.” Very nice way to trivialize what Harry did in the books there.

NOTES: The writer actually managed to top the comatose state Bella went into because Edward took off on her. Looking over the writer's other stories I think we have a young writer in their mid teens whose going through their “angst is cool stage”.


Please Harry; let me join you soon; I can't cope any more; I'm going mad. There is no parent figure who I can visit for advice. Old people are good at that sort of thing. The doctor has given me more Prozac ck I might just save them for when I decide I've lived to long. The end is nigh they all say. I hope they are right. The doctors know that if I am to become ill I want no treatment or resuscitation. I want to be like you in the end. Brave and proud for what you achieved.

~ 'Cause every night I have to say, goodbye ~

Yesterday I saw Ron and Hermione. They have twins now. I'm their godfather. I hope I don't fail them like ours did. It was my final goodbye to your best friends. They didn't know this and invited me to dinner tomorrow, your birthday, I can't go. If you were alive you would be turning twenty-seven. It's a shame that you had a short life. I don't want to go on any more. To know that if you hadn't refused treatment hurts me so but it makes me proud that you wanted to die on your own terms not someone else's.


Daily Prophet - 1st August 2007

Draco Malfoy was found dead in his apartment yesterday evening. Friends say he had spiralled into a bout of depression following the memorial service held on the ten year anniversary of the fall of Voldemort. It was documented that Draco had a relationship with Harry Potter who died ten years ago from magical exhaustion due to the excessive amount of magic used to destroy the most feared wizard of last century. Harry had sustained internal injuries caused by a stray curse.

stu - draco malfoy, rating - toxic, pt - chuunibyou

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