Don't forget about
Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on
The sing of betrayal story 1PERPETRATOR:
COVER/BANNER ART: I think the writer is going to Ohio State, or they want to go to Ohio State.
SUMMARY:”first in a serise of shorts of Harry feeling betrayed by His best friend.”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter
SPECIES: super runaway
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first part is the scene where Harry gets his broom taken away, and then Harry decides to run away because of this. “During his time missing Harry had found may secrets that the younger Tom Riddle didn't in the chamber.”
ORIGIN: see notes...
SPECIAL ABILITIES: We have another super runaway on our hands. Harry's able to defeat Voldemort because of this.
NOTES: The author's note on the writer's profile is a bit strange.
“I am currently working on about eight stories I will begin posting soon. While I am a Harry/Hermione shipper and lover I had an idea creep up on me that would not leave me alone that goes against my normal sensibilities. while I don't mind a little bashing of my favorite charterers I normally have a reconciliation; however these essays don't so I hope you all enjoy them once they are posted.”
"Really Tom Marvolo Riddle son of the squib Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle a Muggle squire's son?" what Tom did not know was the figure had cast a spell that destroyed the connection to the soul anchors and made so the remaining soul would be destroyed upon death of the body at him.
"Enough of this 'Avada kevera'" the figure cast "Difino Maxima" the spells then collided and Phoenix song was heard and a golden dome surrounded the two.
"What magic is this?"
"Priori Incantado you moron." Said the figure removing his hood revealing Harry Potter.
"Yup surprised? Today you die Tom and you'll take all your followers with you goodbye." With that Harry pushed the beam and it struck the tip of Tom's wand. The spell coursed up the wand and into the arm of Tom Riddle. The shock on his face as he fell was unmistakable. At the time he was falling all the D.E.'s grabbed their arms and screamed as the magic and life force was being ripped from their bodies. It was over and the war was over. With a wave of his wand the shield protecting the Alley was dropped and a silent *pop* later and Harry Potter was gone, he would never be seen in the wizarding would again.