3495: The Grey series - Harry Potter and co.

Jul 07, 2015 21:52

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: The Grey Assassins, and The Grey Army
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover has a red creature. It looks kind of like a mermaid with a ghost like tail, red wings and there is a thing of arros on her back.
SUMMARY: ”All throughout history, there have been those who have believed differently than others in the magical world. These people have operated in the shadows while trying to change the world. These men and women find Harry and rescue him when he turns eight. It is time to prepare him to change the worpd.”, and ”The sequel to the Grey Assassins takes a new look at the Grey Order and opens up secrets and technology that nobody could have foreseen. This book will exemplify the dark nature of which war is born from and show it as it follows the Grey Army.”
FULL NAME: Harry; Helen, Victor, Edward
SPECIES: assassins
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: Vernon used a “nine tails whip”on him as well as other torture tactics.
POSSESSIONS: Eight year old Harry has a baby blanket still. Please also see special abilities for some other things he owns.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter sees Harry rescued from the Dursley household. In chapter two Harry finds himself with the Grey Assassins base of operations. Chapter three has an adult tells him he's now a member of the order and “there are many things that you have set into motion.” There is even a special ceremony to go with joining the group. Chapter five has Ragnok shows up. (I can't think of a story with rescued!godmode!Harry that doesn't have this cliché.) Hogwarts is now enemy territory. I tried reading past the sixth chapter, but the writer's not done anything which stands out. I've honestly read to many of these stories and they're all starting to look the same.
ORIGIN: Harry is abused in an unrealistc manner by the Dursley family. The reason is so there is a justification for removing Harry from the custody of his aunt and uncle. We're also told that “Apparently although he is not among the people chosen to be your guardian Mr. Potter, Mr. Dumbledore has become your guardian in the eyes of the law. This is not legal, though. I will have my men research this. We will find the answer to this massive riddle." Ragnok said with passion in his voice when he spoke the last sentence.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Harry was taught to be an assasian. “We see ourselves as warriors bound to a moral code of honor. Currently, we produce justice from the shadows which is why we are Assasins.” “As far as power went, Harry also had powerful ancestral lines. On the document, it stated that Harry was the heir of the most ancient and noble houses of Potter, Peverell, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. Harry was the rightful owner of Hogwarts. Harry was Lord Hogwarts. […] Harry's natural abilities did not disappoint either. His magical abilities consisted of the elemental powers of fire, water, air/wind, earth, darkness, lightning, and light. He also had the animagus of multiple animals. He could be a wolf, a dragon, and a basilisk. […] The most shocking thing, though, was about his magic. Harry had had 90% of his magical core blocked, all of his animagus abilities blocked, and all of his elemental magics blocked. On top of all that, Harry saw that he had had blocks that took away his attention and gave him bad skills that he saw would make him a horrible student. The document informed Harry that these blocks were broken about three years ago in a ritual that was unidentifiable.”

NOTES: I'm honestly grateful to the writer for not making Harry's inheritance


A young Harry James Potter sat alone in his cupboard under the stairs while recovering from yet another one of his birthday "presents".

His family, it seemed, hated him for no reason…that is, that he knew of. Since the first time he could understand a word Harry, or Freak to his family, was treated worse than a slave. The only thing that the Dursley's did that would prepare him for the outside world was teaching him how to cook, clean, and garden.

Yet, he was the smartest kid in his class. At the age of eight, his teacher, Ms. William, thought he might be a genius. Of course this made things worse for Harry as he was not supposed to better in any way than "Dudleykins".

So, "this July thirty-first is even 'bigger' for you, Freak," Vernon had said to Harry.

Flashback (Warning: Scene of intense torture)

For Harry's eight birthday, Vernon had tried out some new techniques of torture. First he woke Harry up at twelve a.m. just to have the most of this "special" day and proceeded to beat the child senseless.

After Harry had passed out, he woke up to find himself strapped to a wooden chair by cheap, old leather belts in Dudley's toy room, which had a large mat underneath the chair and four air conditioners blowing freezing cold air. Harry soon began wondering what his next form of torture would be until his curiosity was settled when Vernon opened the door behind Harry and dumped three gallons of water onto the already shivering boy. There, Harry was left for what felt like days but was instead only an hour.

Then the Dursley patriarch began to mercilessly beat him; each blow hurt even worse than normal because of the cold. Vernon kept up the beating until Harry almost passed out.

Vernon then brought the bunch of bruises still bound to the chair to the breakfast table where the family, except for Harry, slowly and temptingly ate a huge breakfast of pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage.

Then, Harry was again brought into Dudley's toy room and covered with water for a half hour before yet another beating to almost consciousness. There, Harry was left alone in the room except for each half hour when Vernon came in to break Harry's body more. During these times, however, Vernon would break a few of Harry's bones. This process repeated itself continuously except for when the family cruelly ate their food in front of the poor boy.

af - magical cores, rating - awful, oc - pet (spheshul), stu - harry potter

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