3489: Like Pieces of a Puzzle Falling Into Place - Remus, Hermione, Teddy

Jul 01, 2015 22:07

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

What am I going to do if I find a story on my “Just In” list which isn't a Mary Sue? Normally when I make lists and find the story isn't really a Mary Sue I find myself skipping over this one, but in this particular case I felt this piece is a good example of what a writer should do with plots, traits and scenarios which would normally end up leading to a Mary Sue. More explanation in the actual entry.

TITLE: Like Pieces of a Puzzle Falling Into Place (My gut reaction when I see very long titles is to ask what the writer was thinking when they picked such title. Many times the title doesn't have anything to do with the story, but is just the writer trying to make a random title which stands out. They do this by inflating the word count. In this particular case the title fits with the theme of the one-shot albiet in an abstract way.)
PERPETRATOR: articcat621
(good) (Pottersues has featured nearly thirty-five hundred stories, and less then fifty of these stories have ever gotten this rating. It's a rating which is very hard to earn in part because I need to accidentally come across said story. It's not a story minions can send in either. In this particular case I accidently came across said story because it ended up on the Just In list when I made my Just In list.)
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer's avatar is of movie Sirius, Hermione and Remus.
SUMMARY:”When Hermione returns to Grimmauld Place after two years abroad, she didn't expect things to fall into place so quickly.” (My gut reaction to the summary involved thinking the pairing would be between Draco and Hermione. My next question was why was Hermione abroad and wondered if there would be some kind of Muggle university involved. Instead the writer had her training to be a mediwitch. I breathed a sigh of relief.)
FULL NAME: Hermione, Remus, Teddy
SPECIES: They're the canon characters. (I'm actually serious. There are no OCs disquising themselves as the canon characters. Everyone is in character.)
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
MARKINGS: Remus has bags under his eyes.
POSSESSIONS: She has a book to read while she's there, but it never goes into which one.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The story is pretty much a cute AU one-shot where Remus doesn't die and Hermione helps pick up the pieces.
ORIGIN: The writer was writing for a challenge where they used a rare pairing, and wrote a story preferably under a thousand words, but at most twenty-five thousand.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Very few people know Tonks is dead, or that Remus was with Tonks.

NOTES: Characterization is important when writing fanfiction. When you find yourself recognizing the characters because they act like their canon selves your less likely to question such things as why Remus is alive, or why Hermione decided to become a mediwitch, or why Ron and Lavender ended up with each other, or if Remus' senses are really heightened by being a werewolf, or if that is just fanon.


She smiled, happy to be home. She opened the door and stepped inside, placing her bags down by her feet. Hermione immediately noticed that the home did not have its usual dark and dusty appeal, but was now bright and… sweet smelling? Someone was baking.

"Hello?" she called out. "Harry?"

There was a sounding out of footsteps and Hermione's breath caught in her throat when he came into view.

Remus Lupin stood at the end of the hallway, a dazed look on his face. "Hermione?" he asked quietly. "Is that you?"

She nodded, smiling at him. It seemed that her time away did nothing to diminish the feelings that she held for Remus. What had started as a schoolgirl crush grew into something more over the years. However, she never told anyone as he and Tonks had been together. Harry had explained in one of his letters that Remus and Teddy moved into Grimmauld Place as Remus was having a hard time dealing with Tonk's death. Last she knew, Remus had finally started to be himself once more.

p - fluff train, stu - remus lupin, stu - teddy lupin, sue - hermione granger, rating - good

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