3475: Hermione, the dark lords daughter - Hermione Granger/Gaitlyn Lestrange

Jun 05, 2015 22:15

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: Hermione, the dark ords daughter
PERPETRATOR: Spike's Number One Pet
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar is a picture of Spike from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
SUMMARY:”The golden trio's, Gryffindor's know-it-all. Is suddenly thrown into a word of misery, pain, evil and love. Friends will become Enemies, Enemies will become friends. There is no more peace, or tranquillity all is havoc. Continued inside :”
FULL NAME: Hermione Granger/Caitlyn Lestrange
SPECIES: She's Voldemort's daughter pretending to be Hermione.
HAIR: “'I really think I believe yu now.' I say, running a hand down my now smooth black hair.”
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Snape shows up and Hermione goes along with what he said. She's resorted into Slytherin in chapter two. Ron is of course pulling the typical “you're a traitor so I'm no longer your friend” routine. Everyone else seems to be fine. She gets a letter from Narcissa.
ORIGIN: Dumbledore hid Hermione, but Snape shows up because Voldemort is becoming stronger and he is far more loyal to Voldemort then he is Dumbledore. (What a nice job paying attention to canon.)
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Hermione claims the following. "It explains why I led Potter into those dangerous tasks to find the sorcerer's stone in first year. Why I stole from your stores in second year. I felt like you wouldn't tell me off. I felt excited doing all this. I liked being bad." She also says this. “ I thought about it. About the amount of people who hated me because I was a 'Mudblood' but I'm not anymore…I'm a pure blood. Of course I wanted to reveal it!” She's bad ass to the point one of the reviewers went nuts.

NOTES: Sometimes there are really good reviews on the story. I found the following for the first chapter. “I just want to say, when I read the summer I thought this would be a great story. But this first chapter has really turned me off. I don't like the fact the Hermione just believe Snape so readily and that she's going to be called Caitlyn from now on(doesn't she care about the people who raised her for the last 13 years or so?). And one of the things I liked most about Hermione is that she was a 'Mudblood', it's a stupid prejudice apart of the book and for her to be so eager to be called 'Pure-Blood' is just saddening.”

Sadly I found this review for chapter three. “I like how the story is believable. You have Ron exactly how J.K. Rowllings would have done it. He would've been shocked, and angry. Harry would've stayed quiet, then ask about something Ron hadn't even thought about due to his furiousness. Draco probably would've been mad for a couple days then start understanding Caitlin little by little. Snape would just be glad to have a smart pure-blood in his house. Lupin most likely have just let Caitlin go if she was still in Gryffindor-but since she's in Slytherin I guess he'll just ask where she'd been. “


My third year hasn't begun and it's all ready hectic. It all started when Severus Snape came to visit me.

He walked into my 'Muggle' bedroom.

"Miss Granger." I was shocked to see my potions professor in Muggle London.

"Professor? Professor Snape? What are you doing in Muggle London?" I asked. In these three years I've been at Hogwarts I had grown much more cunning and sneaky.

"Miss Granger. I'm here to talk to you about a rather … delicate matter, and even though it's not term time, I'm still your professor you should still respect me Miss Granger." I raised my eyebrows.

"Of course sir, sorry sir. Would you like to sit down?" I wonder why I was being polite to the dungeon bat. He sat down in the chair opposite me.

"Thanks Miss Granger. Professor Dumbledore has stuck me with the task of telling you your real heritage." He said with a sneer on his face.

"Pardon?" I asked. I know I was the smartest witch of this generation but I must be slow today.

"You're not Muggle born. So it seems." He said with a scowl.

"OH Merlin professor. Do you know who my real parents are?" I asked there were lots of pure blood family's or even half blood family's I could be part of. Oh Merlin help me.

"It seems you're the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and The Dark Lord" I screamed.

"Pardon, did you just say I'm He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's daughter. As well as B. B... Bellatrix." was my ever so witty reply. Darn it, I really am slow today.

rating - awful, related to voldemort, p - sue what plot? swp, related to the blacks, related to the lestranges, af - glamour

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