3459: Pandemonium - Harry Potter

May 09, 2015 23:07

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: Pandemonium
PERPETRATOR: Blueblood12
COVER/BANNER ART: The cover reads “Dreams: […] people dream, but not equally [… by night in the dusty recesses […] the morning to find that it was […] ...amers of the day are dangerous […] dream their dreams with open […] And make them come true. by D.H. Lawrence”
SUMMARY:”"What have you done?" Severus whispered "What i had to " Dumbledore replied just before the unmistakable bright light of s spell hit him in the chest harry/severus slash don't like don't read, Hell is to be raised in the disaster that is Hogwarts some mention of the founders creature fic. Also I have taken ch.4/5 and edited them”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter
SPECIES: He's an apprentice.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: Harry gets his own quarters at school. His room includes a blank canas, and then he talks to Salazar Slytherin.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter starts off with a random conversation. The writer never indicates who the two people speaking are. We then jump to Harry getting onto the train at Hogwarts. Harry watches the Weasley family from a distance rather then approaching the family and asking questions. He takes what he observes and goes through the wall. He is observed by Lavender and Cho. We jump back to the conversation and we know it is a male and female. The two girls continue to gossip and Hagrid talks about taking the first years across the lake. Harry starts talking about how he has “to go back to masters”. He is named an apprentice. Third chapter jumps to a conversation about someone taking the life of someone who killed 450 in one day and how they saved 450 tomorrow. Eventually we get to the abuse and how he was beaten and stripped naked and Dumbledore is going to use Harry's memory of the evnets at the Dursley's trial.
ORIGIN: I guess the summary is a start. I think the writer wants us to believe the Dursley family seriously abused Harry to the point he's anti-social, or the writer is under the false impression Harry should have that anti-social tick in canon.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: The house the hat places Harry in is “Hogwarts Apprentice.” "For the first time in 200 years Hogwarts's has chosen an apprentice, it means that young Mr. Potter here as shown that he possess all the traits of each house" pausing until the whisper died down, then facing Harry "Mr. Potter if you will join us at the head table until after the fest where you shall accompany an old man for tea so we may discuss your living courters" to scared to say no Harry nodded then hurried to take the one of the two seat available on either of The Headmasters side next to a very handsome man in all black with long hair peeking up at the man.”

NOTES: The story butchers canon.


"You know? they contently think the worst of things they don't understand. They are content in an organized mind set of black and white, and they're persecutions of what is right and what wrong." He breathed in a rushed whisper

"Aren't you?"

"No I'm not, I'm content in pandemonium, I thrive there in fact" he paused and smirked with such a cruel look the devil shivered before continuing "and they're just going to have to find the same content-ness that I do. Come darling show time has begun and when I'm through they'll never be the same again"

In that moment all I could do was smile as a shudder went up my spin

The Beginning

"-Packed with muggles, of course-"spinning around sharply Harry looked at the family of red heads that rushed through the crowd and came to a stop in front of the plat form the read 9 and 10. "Where late" the merchant screamed

"Alright Percy you first" one of the taller boys who looked the oldest marched toward the wall. Harry watched closely has the boy suddenly vanished through the wall.

Taking aback by the action Harry crept closer, he tuned out the rest of the load noise surrounding him, and watched has the rest of the family took turns doing the same each vanishing through the wall. Making sure that no one saw he marched towards the wall at a speedy past closing his eyes at the last moment, when the impact he expected to come never did he opened his eyes and looked in wonder of the train. Looking back at the platform the sign above read nine and three-quarters he smiled softly he was free.

rating - toxic, pp - head dorms, ph - fifth house, stu - harry potter

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