3451: Night - Draco, Harry

Apr 28, 2015 21:26

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

Here is the next day of “Don't Like, Don't Read”. It's taking longer then I thought, but I ended up with a really nice list that was hard to pass up.

TITLE: Night
COVER/BANNER ART: I like their kitty avatar.
SUMMARY:”Harry's been having these... dreams. They're not bad, really they're not! Quite good, actually... It's just a pity they're having such a negative impact on his health. If only he knew who the man in his dreams was... Drarry, rated M. Don't like, don't read.”
FULL NAME: Draco, Harry
SPECIES: Draco is a vampire. Harry is his soul mate who... I'm biting my tounge.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
CONNECTION TO CANON: Harry dreams about Draco Malfoy whom he never met, and isn't at all freaked out by the dreams he's having because he's likely sensing they're soul mates. He briefly talks to Harry. Later on Harry wants to get to bed early so he can have an exciting dream. Oh - wait. He's actually tiered because he didn't get a good nights sleep. Everybody is called down to the Great Hall where Sirus I believe has managed to bring Draco with him. Or maybe it isn't Draco. Apparently Draco is a vampire. I'm struggling to understand the second chapter. Someone mentions an invading of territory, and Draco is suddenly sexually harassing Harry. one of the vampires says Harry tastes good and uses the f-word at the same time. They then try to rape him, and Draco seems to come to his rescue. (I think.) Let me remind you Harry and the entire body was called down to the Great Hall. Harry freaks out because he almost got laid. (The writer's actuly words from Harry's point of view are, “Who did that vampire think he was deciding that Harry needed rescuing like some damsel in distress?! He had been about to get LAID, dammit!”) Draco is of course mad.
ORIGIN: “Firstly (and very importantly), Draco Malfoy never attended Hogwarts due to their stringent rule not allowing... his kind... into the school as students (yes, this will be a creature fic). […] Secondly, Harry Potter had a boring and rather uneventful first 5 years at Hogwarts. Okay, so there was that incident with the Stone in his first year, the basilisk in his second, [A/N to the A/N: without Draco to further the plot in year three, nothing happens (Yes, I AM ignoring the whole book. Sirius escapes Azkaban, but doesn't attempt to contact Harry; that happens in the summer between third and fourth years). The skip IS deliberate :)], the Triwizard Tournament in fourth year where Cedric Diggory was killed after grabbing the cup just before Harry, and the whole nastiness at the Ministry at the end of fifth year where Sirius nearly died after an encounter with his crazed cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Otherwise, Harry's years at Hogwarts have been relatively carefree, save for homework, exams and the constant bickering between his two best friends, Ron and Hermione.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Harry's not freaked out by the dreams he's having. He's also talking to Hermione in a weird manner. The writer also went with special!vampires which send dreams to their soul mates. Draco can speak in a foreign language.

NOTES: For some reason I imagined myself walking through a bookstore and looking at the summaries on the back of randoms books. I imagined the summary for this story was one of the ones I came across, and I imagined myself putting it back on the shelf because there was nothing that set this particular summary apart from the other summaries I was likely to be finding on the backs of other books.

Harry's reaction to a bunch of vampires nearly raping him really rubs me the wrong way.

Dear Suethor,

If you ever read this entry I wish to make something clear. I've no problem with your pairing choice for the fanfic. What I have problems with is the fact you tried passing off Harry almost getting gang raped as him simply almost getting laid. I'm currently biting my tongue in regards to what I have to say about romanticizing rape like this.



His lips moved closer, and Harry could sense His body suspended in the air over him. The atmosphere between them crackled, enlivening the air even as Harry felt Him move even more slowly than before. Just as Harry was about to open his eyes to see what was taking Him so long, His lips touched his right eyelid, then his left. "Leave your eyes closed," He said, His voice like dark chocolate covered strawberries - sweet as ever but infinitely more rich. Harry opened his mouth to protest, but he suddenly found himself being kissed; as always, the kiss stole his breath away, leaving him gasping for air when it ended. The voice above him chuckled. "If that's your reaction to a simple kiss, I can't wait to see how you react to more indecent activities."

Harry felt himself blush from his scalp all the way down his neck. The chuckle turned to a purr. "Oh, Harry, do you have any idea how gorgeous you are when you blush like that? I could just eat." His lips closed over Harry's mouth again. "You." Another kiss, this time on the edge of Harry's jaw. "Up." A nip this time, right over Harry's jugular. Harry felt the energy in the room begin to pulse, beating in time with his heart. Another nip, harder this time, sent jolts of pleasure through his entire body. He pressed his neck into His hot mouth, silently begging for more. Just when he thought he might not be able to wait any longer the teeth pierced his flesh. Harry cried out in both pain and ecstasy-

-and awoke, gasping for breath. He peered into the darkness which surrounded his bed, searching for the being in his dreams, even though he knew He wouldn't be there. Every night he had the same dream. Well, not the same dream, exactly. There were certain common elements - his inability to see his lover, for starters - but lately, the dreams had been getting more and more intense. He still remembered the first dream he'd ever had about his faceless companion, on the night of his

16th birthday. Every night since he'd dreamed about his concealed lover, and he remembered each dream in vivid detail. He ran a hand through his damp hair - the closed curtains around his bed made him feel like he was sleeping in a sauna - and groped around under his pillow for his wand. He cast TEMPUS and nearly groaned out loud when he saw that it was just past 3 o'clock in the morning. He replaced his wand under his pillow and laid down again, pushing his quilt to the foot of the bed. He covered himself with just the sheet and closed his eyes, hoping for sleep but knowing it wouldn't come.

Hermione frowned at him across the table at breakfast. "Harry, are you sure you're feeling alright? You're white as a ghost. No offense!" she added quickly to Nearly Headless Nick who had chosen that exact moment to float upwards through the table in front of her.

"None taken, Miss Granger," he reassured her. "If I took offense every time I heard that expression now that I'm dead, I would be eternally offended!"

Ron leaned over from his place next to Harry. "Are you going to try to join in the Headless Hunt again this year?"The ghost sniffed. "I have already attempted entry, young Mister Weasley, and I was once again rebuffed. One of these years they'll understand that a small strip of skin isn't enough to keep me away from the hunt. Unfortunately, it is not this year." He floated away down the table, scaring one of the first years so badly she spilled her pumpkin juice down the front of the boy sitting next to her.

Ignoring the commotion at the other end of the table, Hermione refocused her attention on Harry. "You really are quite pale, Harry. Are you sure you shouldn't go see Madame Pomfrey?" She reached out a hand to feel his forehead, but he batted her hand away irritably.

"I'm fine, Hermione! I just haven't gotten much sleep, that's all."

stu - draco malfoy, rating - toxic, ct - vampire (full), stu - harry potter

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