3447: Fore-Bearer - Harry, Fleur

Apr 19, 2015 20:10

Don't forget about Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week. I'm also looking for some feedback on this.

TITLE: Fire-Bearer
PERPETRATOR: magic-drack
COVER/BANNER ART: Their avatar s a picture of a guy done in psychedelic colors.
SUMMARY:”What if Harry wasn't who everyone thought he was, what if he was a replacement for the real Harry put there by Dumbledore? What if he had Allies, he never expected. YAOI Harem fic. Creature m-preg. don't like don't read. Harry/OC rated T may change”
FULL NAME: Fluer Delacour and Harry Potter/Yvon
SPECIES: “Yes, the Famillian Races, are called that because because they are descended from the same original race.” “Because of this, Fore-Bearers are highly valued among the Famillian races, as they strengthen the bloodlines and gifts that each race posses. Most importantly of which, is their Allure.”
HAIR: black
EYES: ice blue
MARKINGS: I think this one is self explanitor.
POSSESSIONS: Fluer's Grandmother is “the Grand Duchess Lady Verona Larose of the Veela Nation” and there is a royal garden to have tea in. The Queen is Eleta.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Fluer rescues Yvon from Dumbledore.
ORIGIN: See summary...
SPECIAL ABILITIES: McGonagall asks “Beauxbatons is a Co-Ed school is it not? So why do I see any boys?” (They didn't wish to design male uniforms for the movie.) Here is the reply. “Ah, yes that dose rase some questions, no? We actually have 813 student in all, but out of all those students only 67 are male. The reason for this is because, even though we are technically a magic school, we cater to the Veela first as they founded our school. Wizarding Families must pay to attend. While other schools in France offer Admission Free. This is Why we are considered the 'Premiere' School in France.” Also, “About 75% of our School is Veela. Only-two of that number are Male. One of whom was in the group to come here, but his Family forbade him to leave France.” We also finds out the Fore-Bearers can become pregnant because “the potion only Sterilizes Male Organs. It actually has the opposite effect on Women.”

NOTES: The story only has one chapter, but I found said chapter to be quite annoying.


Fluer Delacore was by no means a stupid Witch. Then again she wasn't entirely a Witch. She was also Veela, which meant, by her opinion, she tended to be a bit more perceptive then the Humans she attended School with. So she spotted it when Harry started to act strange. She also noted he wasn't really walking straight as he left the Great Hall. It also didn't go unnoticed by her that the Headmaster disappeared near simultaneously his. She still felt she owed the boy for helping Gabriel during the second stage. Then her in the Third. She felt indebted to him, so she naturally felt responsible to make sure he was alright. Excusing herself to her classmates she made her way out of the Great Hall.

For anyone else they probably would have searched for a few minuets before giving up, but Fluer was a Veela. Because of this there were certain gifts she inherited that others would not. One of those was the ability to see magical Residue, the mystical energy left behind by Witches and Wizards. They all leaked a tiny bit. Though in the case of Harry Potter he practically poured it all over the place making it easy to find him. This however made it all the more disconcerting when she noticed the Signature in the Residue was beginning to change. Her worry only increased as she noted that the Signature was not headed in the direction of the Hospital wing, nor the Towers she knew he slept in, but rather made it's way deep into the Dungeons.

She stopped passing students a while back, leading her to believe there was nothing down here worth the students investigating. The other curious thing was that she had noted a second Residue joining Harry's. One she wouldn't have recognized before this year, as it belonged to Headmaster Dumbledore. Why would the Headmaster lead an Ailing Student into the Dungeons?

Finally she traced the Residue to a hall of Iron doors. And she could hear voices from the last door.

"Please...Professor...I-Let me go!" that was Harry's voice.

Thinking quickly she cast a disillusionment charm and notice me not charm over her self. Then, just to be safe, silencing charms on her shoes, before making her way to the door that was slightly ajar. The inside of the room had no windows from what she cold see, and it was lit by a single candle next to a book, and a fire under a bubbling Cauldron. Next to the fire was Dumbledore as he checked something in the book before going and stirring whatever potion was that he was brewing. But it was the sight on the far side of the room that had her stunned. Chained to the wall was the form of a boy in a Hogwarts uniform, half of his face and hair was clearly that of the boy-who-lived. The other though was that of someone she didn't recognize. The right half was that of a boy with Blond hair and piercing blue eyes. The thing that had really set her off though was that she detected a very distinctive sent in the air. A scent she had only smelled back home. He smelled like Family.

"Stop your whimpering," Dumbledore said as he added what looked like Ashwinder Fangs to the Potion. "this is almost done. I don't know what caused it to ware off so much quicker this time, but it doesn't matter now. Once you've had the potion, you can go back and be with your friends."

sue - fleur delacour, b - speshul eyes, af - aura sensory, stu - harry potter, ct - veela (full)

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